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Sorry for not updating in a really long time. I had my first week of school and I got homework from every singe class I went to every day. I also have a Chinese quiz on Monday and an English and Math Quiz on Tuesday. So... I've been on the busy side. Since I haven't updated in 7 days, I'll do 7 questions. Seem fair? Good. PLEASE ASK! Oh and before I forget Real_Sugar_Blossom drew me an OC (I'll put it up there shortly after I upload this chapter) She still needs a tail and a name so comment down what her name should be. Any artists are welcome to re-draw her. I have a Deviant Art. The link is in my bio so go check that out and if you are going to re-draw make sure to tag me BECAUSE I WANT TO SEE. Also, big thanks to @Real_Sugar_Blossom for coming up with the design I love it! Please check out her out. Anyways, let's get started :)

Twilight: Our first question is for Pinkie Pie from wolifeisthedaboss. What is you favorite dessert?

Pinkie Pie: ONLY ONE!?! I love them all SO much, but if I had to choose one, I guess I would choose Chimmey Cherry Chonga. They are super-duper tasty! It's also really fun to say!

Rarity: I amused it would be your favorite dessert! Considering you said it countless times on our way back to Ponyville from Appleosa! I did not enjoy that experience at all!

Pinkie Pie: Oops! I guess I got a little carried away! I had to let out my frustration with Applejack!

Twilight: Before this turns into an insane fight with Applejack vs. Pinkie Pie, I think we should move one. Our next question is for Rarity from TaraD_101. What was the last lie you told?

Rarity: Are you calling me a liar?

Applejack: Well I ain't callin' you a truther!

Rarity: Hmm.... The last lie I told was to Pinkie Pie. Actually, a few seconds ago. I said that I did not enjoy that experience at all. Well, I might of a little bit. As annoying as it was, I still got to spend time with my dearest pink friend.

Pinkie Pie: Rarity! *hugs Rarity* I had fun too.

Rarity: You sure did.

Twilight: Our next question is for Discord from StormShadow20. What is your favorite song?

Discord: My favorite song? Well, I would have to say is my song of course, "Glass of Water". It's so random and that's what makes it so special. I also got to make fun of Twilight while singing it. Bonus Points!

Rainbow Dash: *laughs* *playfully hits Twilight*

Twilight: What about that song called "Discord"?

Discord: As fun as that is, it's not exactly something I would sing in the shower. Like "Winter Wrap Up"! What a lovely tune!

Twilight: Ok, our next question is for Derpy from horrorfan76. Is your vision a little blurry?

Derpy: What do you mean?

Twilight: Well your eyes are kinda....

Derpy: Oh! You mean these? *pokes her eyes* Ow!

Twilight: Be careful! The eyes are one of the most sensitive body parts. We'd hate for you to get an infection or blind yourself.

Rainbow Dash: Says the mare who poked herself in the eye while making a Pinkie Promise.

Twilight: Point taken.

Applejack: Alright, how many apples am I holding? (3)

Derpy: Eerht

Rarity: I'm sorry dear. Did you mean eight?

Derpy: No, eerht

Fluttershy: Um, that's not a number.

Derpy: Eerht is three backwards

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