Watch the video above!! Anyway, sorry I didn't update, went to a party last night and stuff. So yea, I apologize. Thanks for 1.2k views!! PLEASE COMMENT!! Nobody commented on my last chapter :(. Anyways let's get this party started.
Twilight: All the questions in this chapter are from Frankie3archer. So his/her first question is for Scootalo. He/she asks are you an orphan?
Scootalo: Of course not! I have a mom, a dad, and a big brother about Rainbow Dash's age. Hey, I just realized that if my brother marries Rainbow Dash, she could become my sister in law!
Rainbow Dash: Thanks in all Scoots but-
Pinkie Pie: Rainbow Dash is already taken
Rainbow Dash: Shut up! Don't worry Scoot I don't have a very special somepony yet. *whispers to Pinkie* She wasn't supposed to know that!
Twilight: Next question is for Princess Celestia. *reading the question* Oh wow I.. I guess I never really thought about that! I just hope that it doesn't come soon. *now has tears in eyes*
Celestia: Here let me take a look.
Twilight: No, Princess please!!
Celestia: Twilight! *reads letter* Oh... Twilight. *hugs twilight* Luna! Please come!
Luna: What is the matter sister?
Celestia: *uses magic to give scroll to Luna*
Luna: *reads scroll* Oh my!
Applejack: We don't even know what the darn thing says!
Luna: *uses magic to give scroll to Twilight*
Rarity: *uses magic to take scroll from Twilight* You all forgot I was a unicorn didn't you? Anyway, it says If Celestia died, would Luna take her place and would Twilight take Luna's?
Everypony: *gasps*
Fluttershy: Not our beloved princess!
Celestia: I can't really give you an answer right now, we would have to have a meeting about this subject.
Luna: But that's probably what would happen, or something like that.
Twilight: I don't even want to think about it. *wipes tear*
Celestia: Relax Twilight, I still have some time!
Pinkie Pie: Ask, for a chance to be mentioned in the story!!
*group hug*
DiversosAre you a Wattpad fan, a brony/pegisister and always wanted to ask any pony a question? Well, this is the perfect place to do it! There will be two questions in one chapter and no dares! Now that the rules are done, ready to have some fun? Click the...