Hi. Today, I finished my homework early so I actually have time to write. For a while, my parents have been traveling for work a lot so I've gotten home really late and the second I get home, I have to get ready for bed so I can't update. But today is different, so enjoy.
Twilight: Our first question is for Princess Luna from urlmuke. What is your favorite day of the week?
Pinkie Pie: Definitely not SUNday! Get it? *cracks up*
Everypony else: -.-
Luna: I don't have a particular favorite. The weekend is always nice. More ponies stay up later so they can enjoy my beautiful night.
Fluttershy: And everypony is happier.
Twilight: Thank you Princess Luna. Our next question is for all of us including Spike from SmilingVids. What is your favorite shop?
Rarity: Isn't it obvious?
Applejack: Sweet Apple Acres!
Pinkie Pie: Sugar Cube Corner!
Rarity: *gasp*. I was going to say Carousel Boutique! This may not been a good question to ask a bunch of shop owners .
Rainbow Dash: And AJ, Sweet Apple Acres isn't a shop.
Applejack: Well you can buy things from us....oh yea?! What's your favorite shop?
Rainbow Dash: Honestly, wherever I can get food.
Applejack: Like Sweet Apple Acres!
Rainbow Dash: You're a barn! I was talking about like a coffee shop
Twilight: You said you stopped drinking coffee!
Rainbow Dash: Did you think I was really that excited to sort books with you last morning?
Twilight: You mean you got all that energy from...COFFEE!?
Rainbow Dash: I think we both know I'm not a morning pony.
Twilight: Promise me you'll not have anymore coffee
Rainbow Dash: *rolls eyes* Fine *shake hoofs*
Twilight: Now that we got that de-buckle settled, Fluttershy, what's your favorite shop?
Fluttershy: Littlest Pet Shop.
Twilight: Interesting choice. Mine would probably any book store...ever! *squeal*. Spike?
Spike: Yea. Any comic store. Oh! And I also like those stores where they sell those magic kits. LAst question is for Fluttershy from ElizabethNovatny. What's your favorite color?
Fluttershy: I love all pastel. They're so nice and calming. You know, not in your face.
Pinkie Pie: PLEASE ASK!
Fluttershy: Like that.
RandomAre you a Wattpad fan, a brony/pegisister and always wanted to ask any pony a question? Well, this is the perfect place to do it! There will be two questions in one chapter and no dares! Now that the rules are done, ready to have some fun? Click the...