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Twilight: Girls we got another question!

Fluttershy: This Q and A is really taking off. Woo-Hoo

Twilight: This one is for Princess Luna

Princess Luna: Did I miss anything?

Twilight: Nope. This question is from Peppermintblazelr. It says Have you ever considered having a student of your own?

Princess Luna: I might have a student of my own some day, and I think I have an idea of who. *winks at CMC*

CMC: *are shocked*

Twilight: Next question from Peppermintblazelr is for Derpy.

Derpy: *Smashes through roof* Hi guys!

Spike: Can I read it?

Twilight: *Rolls eyes and hands Spike the scroll with her magic*

Spike: It says Derpy, do you like muffins?

Pinkie: Oh I LOOOVVVEEE muffins. Especially chocolate ones. *Licks lips like she did in Mysterious Mare Do Well*

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie the question is not for you

Pinkie: *squee*

Derpy: I love all muffins! All muffins deserve to be loved! *walks away*

Twilight: We ran out questions so please ask more :)

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