Whaaat? Can I get 100k views by the time the 100th episode of MLP premiers! That would be absolutely perfect! Sorry I couldn't update in a while. It's finals week so... I've been busy. Anyways, this is going to be a normal chapter.
Twilight: We are back to our original format. Our first question is from Jade_da_Coolest. Mane 6, If you had to dye your mane one color, what would it be? Also, she/he added a comment. It reads, "by the way, I think Rainbow Dash is better than Applejack."
Rarity: The comment is irrelevant to the question and is not appreciated by any of us, even Rainbow. Right Dashie?
Rainbow Dash: *checking how awesome she looks in a mirror* *zoned out* Uh, yeah! What Rarity said.
Fluttershy: As for the mane color, I would dye mine a teal blue.
Twilight: A dark purple. It would totally go with my color scheme.
Rainbow Dash: Can rainbow count as one color?
Rest of Mane 6: *stare at her*
Rainbow Dash: Ok fine, maybe a dark blue or something.
Pinkie Pie: PINK!!!
Rarity: What about GOLD!!!???
Twilight: All right next question is for Discord from unicorn4lyfe_ and darkrift1234. They both want to know how old you are.
Discord: Well, being trapped in stone made it hard to keep track of our age,but... I think I am about 2,847 years young or something like that.
Pinkie Pie: YEARS YOUNG!?
Twilight That's about 124 times my age! Incredible! You're even older than Celestia. You're the oldest being in all of Equestria!
Discord: What an accomplishment! Fluttershy, I better see you this afternoon for our Tuesday Tea. *disappears*
Twilight: Last question is for Pinkie Pie from Lemon__Catz. Why is your name Pinkamena?
Pinkie Pie: I don't know you should ask my parents, but I pretty sure it's because I'm pink. PLEASE ASK!
RandomAre you a Wattpad fan, a brony/pegisister and always wanted to ask any pony a question? Well, this is the perfect place to do it! There will be two questions in one chapter and no dares! Now that the rules are done, ready to have some fun? Click the...