Sorry for not updating in a while. I was busy studying because it's final's week :(. Thanks for 6.8k views! This is going to be a short chapter. This is also a romance chapter by the way. Ok guys, Season 5 of MLP isn't coming out until Spring 2015!! They said it was coming out like in January, but no. What!? I can't wait this long! PLEASE ASK!
Twilight: Does it feel good to be back?
Rest of Mane 6: Eh.
Twilight: Let's start with a question for Fluttershy from JunoMeep. She wants to know if you had any crushes when you were little.
Fluttershy: Um...
Rainbow Dash: Didn't you like that one colt with like the red mane or something?
Fluttershy: That was my cousin.
Rainbow Dash: Oh.
Fluttershy: As far as I can remember *pause* no.
Twilight: Ok let's move on to a question for Rarity.
Rarity: Isn't that a suprise?
Twilight: It's from Music_Records_exe. She asks "Who is your crush since it's not Trenderhoof or Prince Blueblood?"
Rarity: Hmmm.... Well,
Spike: There's another one!?
Rarity: Relax everypony, he's from...
Pinkie: Manehattan? Canterlot? Appleosa?
Applejack: Why in Equestria would Rarity have the hots for somepony from Appleosa?
Rarity: Enough! Both of you! Can I at least get two words in? * politely coughs* As I was saying, this stallion is from one of my romance novels.
Rest of Mane 6: OOOHHH.
Spike: What a relief!
Rarity: His name is Sinyour Estico Fantisco.
Applejack: ?
Rarity: *facehoof* Lived in BC
Pinkie: BC?
Twilight: Before Celestia
Rarity: He is the captin of a big cruise ship. He fell in love with a pony named LemonDrips, but sadly she cheated on him with Franisco Delarosa. Twilight?
Twilight: Uh yes?
Rarity: Would you happen to know a magical spell that can make me go in inside that book?
Twilight: Even if I did, I wouldn't show it to you.
Rarity: Aww why!?
Twilight: You could mess up the story somehow.
Rarity: *pouts*
Pinkie: ASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RandomAre you a Wattpad fan, a brony/pegisister and always wanted to ask any pony a question? Well, this is the perfect place to do it! There will be two questions in one chapter and no dares! Now that the rules are done, ready to have some fun? Click the...