Sorry I didn't update last night. Thanks for 57,200 views. OMG this is crazy! I have people sending me messages telling my that they're fans and never in a million year did I think I would ever have "fans". I just counted the number of pages of questions I have and I got 62, and I have on average 11 questions on each page so that means... over 600 questions *insert sweating smiley emoji here*. Well I have nothing else to say here but pLEASE aSK
Twilight: All right, our first question is for-
Rainbow Dash: *laughing*
Applejack: Rainbow Dash, what are you laughing about?
Rainbow Dash: *continues laughing*
Applejack: Are you still laughing about Twilight's "Clown Day"?
Rainbow Dash: *nods head while still laughing*
Applejack: *points to Rainbow Dash* Do you see what I have to deal with?
Twilight: *rolls eyes* *reads through questions* I'm sorry Fluttershy, but there are way too may Fluttercord questions in here so I'm going to have to get rid of them. I'm going to call Discord.
Discord: I heard I was needed.
Twilight: Yes, I just going to ask you a few questions on you and Fluttershy's...
Applejack: Friendship?
Rarity: Relationship?
Rainbow Dash: Enemy-ship? Is there even a word for that?
Pinkie Pie: Cake?
Fluttershy: What?
Twilight: Um Pinkie? They don't have a cake. Do you?
Discord: No. Just get on with the questions.
Twilight: All right all of these questions will count as one question for this chapter, since it's on the same topic. First one is from TaraD_101 and flute_player_1. Discord, do you like Fluttershy? Second one is form DiamondWillowTree. Discord, why haven't you asked Fluttershy out yet? We all know you like her. Third one is from TaraD_101. PLEASE tell me your crush. Fourth one is from ChaosQueen2001. Discord, do you ship Fluttercord, Dislestia, Diseris? Fifth on is from flute_player_1. Discord and Fluttershy, how do you feel about Fluttercord? Sixth one is from Jet_the_Pegasus and horrofan76. Discord, what your opinion on Fluttercord? Seventh one-
Fluttershy: Seventh?
Twilight: Seventh. Anyways, it's from flute_player_1. Who do you like better, Big Mac, or Discord? Last one is from darkangelvampire. Fluttershy, do you happen to like a certain creature, maybe the Lord of Chaos?
Rainbow Dash: Wow, real suttle.
Applejack: *stuffs hoof in her mouth* Don't listen to hear. You two can just answer your questions. Go on now.
Fluttershy: Well to start, I like Discord better than Big Mac. Not that Big Mac's a bad stallion, but I don't know him that well, and I only know him because I'm friends with his sister.
Discord: And I prefer Fluttercord over Dislestia and... Diseris? Who even is that?
Mane 6: Rule 63 version of yourself.
Discord: That gives me an idea. *about to zap Rainbow Dash, turning her into a stallion before Fluttershy stops him*
Fluttershy: Discord! Behave!
Discord: Sorry dear, it's just so tempting *shows his snake tongue*
Rainbow Dash: Eew! Put that thing back into your mouth.
RandomAre you a Wattpad fan, a brony/pegisister and always wanted to ask any pony a question? Well, this is the perfect place to do it! There will be two questions in one chapter and no dares! Now that the rules are done, ready to have some fun? Click the...