Thanks for 34.6k views! Sorry I'm updating so late. PLEASE ASK and submit advice stuff.
Rainbow Dash: All right, this one's for AJ from alieventing. What's your worst nightmare?
Applejack: That the farm was infested with rodents of all kinds. Then Granny Smith, Big Mac, and Applebloom were eaten up by Timberwolves.
Pinkie Pie: Not Granny Smith!!
Twilight: Wow, that is a really bad dream.
Fluttershy: More like a nightmare.
Rarity: The next question is for Twilight from Skipper-the-Dall. How many books are in your library?
Twilight: Well at my old library there was 3857 books and at my new castle library, there are 238,573 books. You could say I'm a bookworm... *squee*
Rainbow Dash: Yea no kidding. You had a book for the Goof-Off.
Pinkie Pie: And the book for the cloud walking spell
Fluttershy: And the book for-
Spike: Mares! This could go on forever. Let's just end it here. Last question. Xx_Hope_Hellfire_xX asks, "Rainbow Dash, what would you do if you switched bodies with Fluttershy?"
Rainbow Dash: I would ask her to switch it back, because I can't be stuck with a pink cotton candy mane!
Pinkie Pie: I thought my hair was more like cotton candy!
Rainbow Dash: I meant the color, not the style.
Pinkie Pie: Oh. Well, I knew that.
Applejack: Sure you did.
Pinkie Pie: Ask
CasualeAre you a Wattpad fan, a brony/pegisister and always wanted to ask any pony a question? Well, this is the perfect place to do it! There will be two questions in one chapter and no dares! Now that the rules are done, ready to have some fun? Click the...