My friend @chaos816 (who I mention in other chapters) conviced me to start this up again. And since I still watch the show I thought this be would a good hobby. Anyways, as usual when I'm out of town, I'm just going to pull question from last chapter. Anyways, enjoy and hopefully I'll update more often!
Twilight: Welcome back every pony. First question is for me from pandorapaws. Am I a vampony?
Fluttershy: Did somepony say vampony?
Pinkie Pie: *giant gasp* This means only one thing! We are going to have to give you the ulitmate test?
Twilight: Test? Did somepony say test?
Pinkie Pie: *holds up an apple* Do you want it? DO YOU WANT IT!?
Twilight: Pinkie, I'm not vampony, but I will take the apple *grabs apple with magic*. Next question is for all of us from PaulTheFreak. Is the new baby annoying?
Mane 6: YES!!
Rarity: But she's simply adorable!
Rainbow Dash: That baby makes me not want to have kids!
Rarity: Rainbow!
Twilight: Next question is for all of us again including Spike from SuperDuperita. Do you think it was rude for Princess Celestia banishing Princess Luna to the moon?
Spike: I mean, she saved Equestia so I think she was doing her job.
Twilight: Yea I'm with Spike. She had to do what she had to do.
Rarity and Fluttershy: *nod in agreement*
Rainbow Dash: No! Princess Luna was out of control, but she didn't deserve banishment like that. Give a pony a second chance!
Applejack: To be honest, I feel bad for Celestia more than Luna! She had to banish her own sister just for sake of Equestria. I can't imagine having to banish my own lil' sis.
Twilight: Great opinions everypony! Last question is for AJ and Pinkie Pie from Ashle4. Do you know if Big Mac likes Marble Pie?
Pinkie Pie: Oh totally!! Mable has been talking all about that hunky stallion all night! Crazy right?
Applejack: Unlike Pinkie Pie, I respect my brother's privacy! *stomps hoof on ground* Wait? Did you just call my brother hunky?
Pinkie Pie: Her words, not mine!
Twilight: Thank you for tuning in and-
AcakAre you a Wattpad fan, a brony/pegisister and always wanted to ask any pony a question? Well, this is the perfect place to do it! There will be two questions in one chapter and no dares! Now that the rules are done, ready to have some fun? Click the...