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HEY!! Thanks for 122k views!! So BronyCon is coming up and I am so excited. If you are also going to BronyCon I would LOVE to see you there. When it gets closer, I need to PM you or you need to PM me so we can find a place to meet and a time to meet (I'll probably wear a name tag with my username so if you run in to me, don't be afraid to say hi). Anyways, PLEASE ASK!!! :D

Twilight: This question is form all of us from flute_player_1. How would you react if I said I had a crush on Discord? Which I do.

Rarity: I suppose everypony is entitled to his or her opinion.

Rainbow Dash: Well not if your opinion is wrong!!

Applejack: There ain't such thing as a wrong opinion.

Rainbow Dash: Look flute player, having a crush on Discord is dangerous. He could break your heart into a million pieces. I mean, look what her did to Fluttershy when he teamed up with Tirek!

Twilight: Ever since we defeated Tirek, he has been under control.

Pinkie Pie: I say go for it!!!

Applejack: Not like he's gonna get a special somepony anytime soon.

Fluttershy: Um... yeah

Twilight: Next question is for Scootaloo from o0maddy0o. Do you have a sister?

Scootaloo: Ugh, I wish!!

Rainbow Dash: Yea, so do I *winks*

Scootaloo: *heart eyes* Well I got to go *trips over a book* *embarrassed but smiles* *runs off*

Rainbow Dash: That little stinker is one of the coolest ponies I've met. *smirks*

Rarity: As heartwarming as this moment is, I'm afraid we have to move on to our last question from DespairGem to Pinkie Pie. If you had to choose one flavor of cupcake to eat for your entire life, what flavor would that be?

Pinkie Pie: Only one flavor!! Forever!?? I would choose all the flavors mixed into one.

Applejack: Pinkie Pie, that's discustin'

Pinkie Pie: Well I can't just choose one of them. I love them all!!

Rarity: If you mixed up all the cupcake flavors into one it would make a horrendous shade of brown.

Applejack: The color doesn't matter. Or else I wouldn't like Granny's Mystery Soup.

Pinkie Pie: PLEASE ASK!!

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