Thanks for 905 comments and 24.9k views! Hopefully my dare chapter will be next chapter. Sorry I didn't update last night. This is your last chance to submit dares and please ask! And I have a surprise after this chapter so stay tuned...
Applejack: Al righty this question is for Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash from DashKilz. She (rights?) asks, "If you were trapped in a room with no way out and the walls were closing in, what would you do?
Pinkie Pie: I would hug Rainbow Dash and say "It's been nice knowing you!" and then get crushed.
Rainbow Dash: No way! I wouldn't give up that easily. I would call for help, and try to push the walls back.
Pinkie Pie: We would still get crushed.
Rainbow Dash: At least we put up a fight.
Fluttershy: Ok next question is for all of us from larrysthecraic. If you were to choose a 7th element of harmony, who would you choose. and what would it be?
Mane 6: *huddle* *chatter*
Pinkie: We have decided and we would choose... Tom!
Spike: Tom?
Twilight and Rarity: Pinkie Pie! Jinx! *laugh*
Applejack: We decided to choose you Spike.
Pinkie Pie: Plot Twist!!
Spike: Really? Cool! What element of harmony would I represent?
Twilight: Oh yeah!
Mane 6: *huddle* *chatter*
Pinkie Pie: You would represent the Element of Helpful.
Twilight: You mean Helpfulness?
Pinkie Pie: Nope helpful.
Twilight: ...
Spike: Yea I could do that! Ok last question is for Rarity from BronyShawna246. Have you ever considered changing your hairstyle?
Rarity: So are you telling me you don't like my mane?
Twilight: Well, I don't think that's what the BronyShawna246 meant. I think-
Rarity: Well you do have tell me in a form of a question, you can just say it straight to my face.
Fluttershy: I don't think-
Applejack: It's gorgeous but-
Rarity: Good! Because I spend hours trying to make it absolutely perfect! So no BronyShawna246! I WASN'T GOING TO CONSIDER CHANGING MY MANE!
Pinkie Pie: ASK!
RandomAre you a Wattpad fan, a brony/pegisister and always wanted to ask any pony a question? Well, this is the perfect place to do it! There will be two questions in one chapter and no dares! Now that the rules are done, ready to have some fun? Click the...