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Hey guys!! I am packed up for BronyCon so hopefully I'll see you there ;). My flight leaves at 6:00 in the morning so I'm going to have to get up really early. Hopefully I can update on my trip. PLEASE ASK!!!!!

Twilight: Our first question is for the Mane 6 except me from SmilingVids. Have you ever wanted to go in the portal?

Fluttershy: I don't know... sounds dangerous.

Rainbow Dash: Yes!! I wanna go!

Applejack: Yea, I'm kinda interested to see what's down in that there portal.

Rarity: For a species that wear clothes 24 hours a day, I would love to get some inspiration for another dimension.

Pinkie Pie: THAT'S SOUNDS SO MUCH FUN. I'll probably visit that dimension later today!!

Twilight: *bewildered expression* Okay.... next question is for Spike from Fanlord1987. Do you think you'll ever grow wings?

Spike: Oh course!! But I don't grow wings until I'm an older teenager.

Twilight: I can't believe I am going to be taking care of a teenage dragon!! I'm going to have to get rid of your dog bed soon!

Spike: My bed is made for dogs!? You said Celestia hoof made it for me! *folds arms across his chest*

Twilight: Uh.... yea... about that.

Applejack: She got it at the local store. I'll take hold of it once you've outgrown that thing. You know, for Winnona.

Spike: What I've been sleeping on for years has been a lie!!

Twilight: Anyways, our last question is for Pinkie Pie form UnicornNerd_LA. How many parties have you thrown in your whole life?

Pinkie Pie: Oh gosh! I don't know. I've thrown so many parties I've lost track. Let's see, I thrown my first party at the rock farm, Twilight's Welcome to Ponyville Party, The Party at Shining Armor's and Cadence's Wedding, Gummy's 1st; 2nd; and 3rd birthday party,Twilight's birthday party, That random hat party, Applejack's Suprise Party, but she didn't show up because she was ashamed of winning second!!

Applejack: I didn't even know that shin-dig was going on!!

Pinkie Pie: And how can I forget throwing Rainbow's birthday with Cheese Sandwhich. That was the most fun party I've planned!! But yea, I've thrown ALOT of parties. Those are only a couple of examples though. PLEASE ASK!!

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