Weird Dreams and Earth Ponies

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What's up? Thanks for 4.8k. I had basketball tri-outs today and I almost blacked out. I get tired very easily, so I'm afraid that I will faint in one of the games. PLEASE ASK!!!! Wow this was a short opening paragraph.

Twilight: We are going to start off with something different. It's a question from Music_Records_exe for Princess Luna. This question is really fascinating. She (I think you are a girl, but sorry if I'm wrong) wants to know if you been in a really weird dream.

Luna: Last month I think, I went into Derpy's dream and she was swimming in a pool of muffins with Dr.Hooves, but... of course I couldn't stop myself so I dived right in. I also went into Lightning Dust's, dream.

Rainbow Dash: What was she doing?

Luna: Eating chips.

Fluttershy: That's it?

Luna: Exactly.

Twilight: Thank you Princess Luna for sharing some... information with us

Luna: No problem, any time. Now I have to go raise the moon.

Twilight: This question is from CarolinaDisnerd for Applebloom, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. She asks "If you had a choice between choosing wings or horns what would you choose?"

Applejack: Wings, because I could fly and pick apples that don't fall when I buck em.

Applebloom: A horn so I could use magic like Zecora

Pinkie Pie: Hmm.... Probably wings.

Everypony: *silence*

Pinkie: What?

Rarity: Do you want to tell us why?

Pinkie: Oh yea! I already have my Pinkie Pie magic so I wouldn't need a horn.

Everypony else: Oh!

Fluttershy: Please ask!

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