OMG 3000 views in less than two days! Thank you so much. I'm just at my friends house, doing nothing all day, but search mlp season 5 on YouTube and there is a new video with Meghan McCarthy and Brian Lenard telling us stuff about Season 5! PLEASE ASK and I'm just going to be pulling questions at random from my last chapter. (I don't have access to my binder with your questions, since I'm out of town)
Rainbow Dash: Our first question is for Twilight from Fanlord1987. Do you think it's weird that ponies ship you with CometTail when all you did was stand next to each other?
Twilight: They ship me with CometTail!? I barely know him!
Rarity: Not a bad thing to be shipped with an Alicorn.
Applejack: Is that so? Because every single one of us is shipped with her!
Pinkie Pie: Yea! There is TwiPie, Rarilight, TwiShy, Twijack, and don't forget about the most popular one, TwiDash!
Rarity: Ok, I see your point. Next question is for all of us from TheHarmonyGal. What is your most embarrassing moment? Mine was probably when I grew wings and acted like a lunatic smothered in makeup.
Rainbow Dash: The first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one.
Rarity: Okay, so then what is your most embarrassing moment Miss Perfect?
Rainbow Dash: I don't know, there is so little to chose from. Mine would probably have to be competing with Mare-Do-Well I guess.
Fluttershy: I'd rather not say...
Pinkie Pie: Dropping a giant confetti cake on Rainbow Dash, or maybe humiliating myself in front of all those ponies at the Gala.
Applejack: Admitting that I lied to every pony about the tonic.
Twilight: I already said showing my parents the B+ on my report card!
Rainbow Dash: What about that story Shining Armor was about to tell us right before you shooed him away? *smirk*
Spike: Oh yeah! When Twilight was fourteen, she-
Twilight: Spike, that story is never to be discussed in public!
Pinkie Pie: Bummer! I wanted to hear!
Twilight: That's a little too embarrassing, even for you guys to hear.
Rainbow Dash: Are you kidding me!?
Fluttershy: Well if it's too embarrassing I don't mind her not-
Rainbow Dash: I mean, we defeated Nightmare Moon,
Fluttershy: But Rainbow Dash, I don't think she wants-
Rainbow Dash: Discord,
Fluttershy: I know, but-
Rainbow Dash: Sombra, and T-Rek! And you can't even tell us, one lousy little story?!
Twilight: I'm sorry.
Rainbow Dash: No you're not!
Twilight; i know! *squee* Anyways, our final question is from NekoAriXD. have you ever tried Nuettla?
Applejack: Nuetell- what?
Twilight: La. It says that it's like a chocolate paste with some peanuts, but they are mashed.
Rarity: Obviously Twilight hasn't tried it.
Twilight: I haven't.
Pinkie Pie: YES!!! I tried it! It's taking over my life.
Rainbow Dash: She's telling the truth. The other day, I had lunch with her and she brought the Nuetella jar with her.
Applejack: That's noraml for Pinkie Pie.
Rainbow Dash: Yea but once her oats came, she dipped them in there!
Rarity: Ok that's just unsanitary. Pinkie Pie, you don't bring a jar full of chocolate to a restaurant.
Pinkie Pie: Well I asked them to serve some on the side, but the that meanie waiter said no! They don't treat their customers with any respect!
Applejack: Never heard of it in my life!
Rarity: Me neither!
Pinkie Pie: Ask
RandomAre you a Wattpad fan, a brony/pegisister and always wanted to ask any pony a question? Well, this is the perfect place to do it! There will be two questions in one chapter and no dares! Now that the rules are done, ready to have some fun? Click the...