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Moon are beautiful just like the one who reading this


Jihoon POV

I was eating tteokboki when the bell already rang and boom all students are now running around the canteen.

I saw Smurf walking towards the canteen with his friends well who else

'your so cute' I thought

'yah Jihoon,why are you eating while we're solving those fucking problem there's junkyu said with pissed voice

'junkyu shut up, you're sleeping while we're solving' Haruto said sitting on the table

'yah PARK JIHOON,JIHOON' Yoshi said

'h-huh,what did you all said again' I said confused

'we said nothing jihoon,tsk stop staring at him liked that,or else I don't know how to react if he caught you' yedam said while holding asahi shoulder asking him to buy their food

'what,who was I staring at,I didn't stare at anyone,yah BANG YEDAM,ASAHI COMEBACK' I said but they still walking while giggling

'tsk park Jihoon,I saw you too,you were staring at Choi Hyunsuk our new classmate' Yoshi said holding his laugh

'he what?' Junkyu ask confused

'Junkyu shi can you stop playing my arms and listen to what they say,your making yourself dumn' Haruto said laughing

'hes actually dumb' I said while laughing and continue staring to boy in canteen with blue hair,nice spec,nice lips and nose in short I was staring in Choi Hyunsuk my Smurf.


Jeongwoo POV

'hyung' I said

'are you calling me' Hyunsuk hyung said

'yeah who else, you're just the one who I called hyung right so probably it's you' I said winking at him but he find it cringe so his expression change and-

'ewww,stop winking at me,your not JENNIE OF BLACKPINK to wink at me like a flirty boy ehhhh' he said

'so stop that and let's go to canteen I want to eat' junghwan said

'uhm hyung,I'm going to library go can go now let's just meet later hmm' Mashiho said and we just nodded

'agh Doyoung and I have another subject class, we'll go ahead too meet you later bye' jaehyuk said leaving with Doyoung


Hyunsuk POV

We're now walking to canteen when I feel strange, someone staring at me.

I walked towards the food Stoll when I saw a figure(well his not standing) sitting on a table with his tteokboki and none other than that rude boy,that boy I hate him' I thought when a hand grab me

'hyung!let's bye donut,I want donuts' junghwan said

'that one' I ask him

'no,the glazed donut' he said while pouting

'okay,okay let's bye 3 hmmm' I said staring at him

'no' he said still pouting hardly

'what?the how many?' I ask him again

'5 hehe' he said smiling wide

I find him cute,he's always cute but this hit different,he was at our ages(I'm sorry but I don't want junghwan being far away from other member??!!)but he look like our baby,well he is.

'hyung,hyung?) He said waving his hand in my face

'h-huh,I'm sorry pick now my treat' I said

'done,pay now hehe' he said-i just hummed

'yah junghwannie,hyung I got this yummy tteokboki and jajamyeon what do you want huh?' he ask me but i got pissed off hearing that tteokboki

'i don't want tteokboki give the jajamyeon' I said with a high voice

'what?' he asked confused while I'm here walking towards an empty table together with junghwannie



We have another works to do for another grading and I was like hitting up because it's not like the other one that we just need to answer and create a PowerPoint and then pass but now it's different,we need to click and click and click ughhh but NVM

|Today's date:03/23/21|

Hope you like this chapter 🖤✨

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