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A chaste kiss became more instence as the two male' can't stop of what they doing,they seem miss each other embrace as Hyunsuk support jihoon' back so he can't bang to any corners of the said appartment

Hyunsuk pulled out and realized what they're doing and look at jihoon in concerned

'do you think this is right?' he ask full in concern

'why something wrong, we're making love suk,and we know we love this aren't you?hmm' the younger said leaning a kiss but the older refused and let go of the younger' grip

'i don't think this is right,I'm sorry' he said

'suk why,you love me right? And I love you too' the younger letting out while trying to hold the older' hand and now they're facing each other

'i know but-' the older didn't finish what he was going to say cause the younger kiss him aggressively down to his chin and now to his neck

The older moan on how good the younger left an purple love bite,he can resist the younger,he live when he kiss him,he live when the was speaking,his voice was lingering through his ear,his soft kiss right now giving him a shiver and goosebumps he love when the younger was on his side

Jihoon pulled out and look at Hyunsuk 'now tell me,don't you want to do this?' the younger ask seductively 'i-i w-want it's the older said nervously as the younger lift him and lay on the bed facing him with a soft smile, Hyunsuk gulp and look at the younger as jihoon started kissing his forehead down to his nose and now kissing his pinkish soft lips asking for entrance that let Hyunsuk open his lips and taste the younger'

Hyunsuk didn't expect this to be rough but Jihoon was pushing his self stay in his line,jihoon unbottoming Hyunsuk' polo while the older just looking at him

'why?' jihoon soft word just pop in Hyunsuk's ear as he close his eyes nodding on jihoon question

'are you sure baby you want to do this,don't you tired?' jihoon ask again but the older didn't open his eyes and just nod

After jihoon unbotton the older' polo he kiss the older' chin down to his neack leaving a purple love dot down to his chest licking it and look at the older who's eyes still closed

'yah Hyunsukahhhhh tell me if you don't want this I'll stop okay' jihoon said holding the older' cheeks

'i want to hug you Jihoon',I-i want to hug you' the older let out crying,jihoon lay beside him and hug him apologizing and trying to calm the older

'im sorry hmm okay I will stop doing this now hug me hmm stop crying baby' jihoon comfort words stop the older in crying and face the younger

'but I you need to remove you shirt' the older ask while pouting looking at jihoon who gulp on what the older just said

'w-what' jihoon let out

'i said remove you shirt now,you leave a purple dot in my neck i will too' Hyunsuk letting out while removing jihoon's shirt the younger just nod and help Hyunsuk to remove his shirt

'now we both half naked lemme hug and leave a purple lov- I mean I'll leave a purple dot t-to your neck just like you did to mine' hyunsuk said and Jihoon just chuckles

|Time skip|

Jihoon was moaning on what Hyunsuk doing now,he was not just leaving a hickeys on jihoon but even biting his lips just to explore the younger's mouth

's-suk ugh,c-can you sto-ugh' jihoon let out

'shut up I'm not done yet' Hyunsuk stop and face jihoon with a gaze

'okay I'll stop,now go back to your appartment I want to sleep alone' Hyunsuk said face backing jihoon who's dumbfounded now

'no yah,I didn't mean it,hey look at me you can continue now really,yah baby I said loo-' jihoon once enterupt when Hyunsuk face him smiling ear to ear and now hugging jihoon who's hugging him back

'hmm I thought you will contin-'

'shhh,I want to hug you now let's stay like this and besides I don't want to lose you beautiful voice,let's just save it next time' Hyunsuk said while giggling

'okay,huh? W-what save it next time,hey don't close your eyes,yah look at me don't smile' jihoon was confused asf

'hmm I said let's stay like this now closed your eyes I want to sleep now I'm tired' Hyunsuk let out face palming jihoon

'tired of what loving me' jihoon giggle

'hmm shut up'



I lost.

Re-publish;wait what happened? I'm scared,I don't want to read it I might choke due to cringiness

MOON🐷🐼🌕 // Sukhoon [✓]Where stories live. Discover now