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One word to describe 'wrong' that was the word who first came out to junkyu's mind,he doesn't know but he fuck up,he feels like he will trowing up this time,a second has fast but still he is standing there shocked,eyes like a saucer and mind went running wild and wilder,the Feeling in junkyu was so embarrassing to describe,he can't think but to trown up as Junkyu was standing there eyes like saucer,jihoon went in front of him and pick the thing junkyu let go when he saw the two male kissing

'what was that,hey Kyu are you okay?' ask jihoon

'y-yeah uhm I'm sorry' he let out

'no-n-no don't sorry, we're sorry,we don't want you to see that it's so embarrassing you know' Hyunsuk went him

'b-but I thought y-your doing something' junkyu said

'ahhh no w-were not doing something,come-come in' Hyunsuk gesture him to come in

'yeah suk is right' jihoon said too


For this time junkyu was biding goodbye to the two lovers as he gesture his hand and wave,he just went there to give and to eat with the two but doesn't expect that coming.

After junkyu bid his good bye to the two male he sigh and let a haisttt and continue walking.

Junkyu untill now thinking about what he saw,his mind was getting Wilder as he thought about him and Mashiho doing it.

Speaking of Mashiho,he and Junkyu are together now,sharing there love to each other after junkyu and Haruto break up 2 years ago.

Haruto went back to Japan to continue his dream and Jeongwoo

Jeongwoo is now a professional singer with yedam who debuted in the same group with asahi, jaehyuk and Doyoung with there two member.

A friendship before is now no longer be stranger even tho they don't like to be they need to,as there carrer always goes that fucking media.

Such an Jihoon and Yoshi became a partner in business while the two man, Mashiho and Junkyu live together as I mentioned.

Meanwhile Hyunsuk was having a hard time with his bare work,having a mean time with his client who don't know how to handle a big problem or mistake,they don't know how the smaller's work for all because all they know is Mr.Choi can do it,Mr.Choi will fix itMr.Choi is enough for this but they don't even know how hard for Hyunsuk this.

Apparently even tho there friendship broke not just once or twice but trice, they're still special to each other,they still working for all and fighting for their friendship,look how grateful this, isn't it?.


Friendship is part of us,we don't need to push them just to prove that you don't need them with your life, y'all being rude with them without even knowing that you're part of their dream and life,our friend is part of ours,your life is not complete without friend coming to your life, remember no matter how hard the time was theirs one friend,just one friend of ours in our long friend list will ask 'are you okay?' and that one friend who will ask will you trust the most why, because you'll tell all to him/her.

Trust me even tho you'll think he/she is not trusted one time when that friend of you ask if you're okay you will realize that you trust him/her just wait untill she/he share the drop of tears with you.

I'mma tell you this no matter how hard is it,no family member nor Boyfriend/girlfriend will give a comfort to you except to you one trusted friend.


I deleted the pic,I kinda wanted to trown up lmao

Thanks ✨🦋

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