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I woke up early in the morning just to prepare for our breakfast,I put my phone in the side of the table while listening to my favorite boy group song titled apology

Wondering why I was listening to apology is

Jihoon was asking me always why you're getting longer in your business trip,I think he was done waiting for you and I'm was sure that...he is mad at you right now so better prepare your realistic apology Mr. Choi ,I told you my friend have a different attitude when he's mad

Yes he was thinking about what Yoshi mean when he said jihoon have different attitude when he's mad,like it's been age since we live together but I don't think he has another attitude than his attitude is


And while listening to apology the song suddenly stop he look up only to see jihoon standing there holding his phone while looking at Hyunsuk in disbelief

Hooo Hyunsuk calm down no need to worry,he loves you, he's not mad okay,calm down

He thought

'agh baby,your awake,look I prefer our break-'

'i don't need that' jihoon interapt Hyunsuk for talking while still glaring at the older in disbelief

'agh you dont then what you want,tell me you want me to cook something else,tell me,what do you want?' Hyunsuk said nervously as he was doing weirdo

'you' jihoon let out

'w-what?' the older' ask

'i said I don't want to eat,I came here because the music is so loud,I want to sleep peacefully' again jihoon said rolling his eyes heading back to their room

'what,I mean okay,you said so...YOU SURE YOU DONT WANT TO EAT??JIHOON!' jihoon just wave his hand for answer



I'm holding a tray with milk and bread on it going to there shared room with Jihoon

I knocked and come inside the room,when I open the door I saw Jihoon suddenly put his phone down and close his eyes real quick,I chuckled a little and walk through the bed putting the tray of food in the side table

'ji,wake up' I call even tho I already know he's awake he murmur a little

'wake up baby,i prepare something' I said

He look at me and sit properly while I'm here trying my best not to break the eye contact between us

He cleared his throat and pick him phone

'i don't want to eat,I told you' he said scrolling through his social media as I saw my profile in the screen with my last post last daw with one of the business man I talked with

I was nervously shaking on how clingy the women in the picture,jihoon double top the heart and look at me again in disbelief

He turned his head and grab the milk besides him while rolling his eyes

'whats with that eyes?' I ask

'you don't care'

'i care!' I said

'so,whats wrong it's my habit' he said

'no it's not your habit,don't like to me what's going on,since I came your always like that' I said touching him


'you what?' I ask

'i missed you' he said and hugged me

'i missed you,it's been a week since we hugged like this,I missed those two weeks I want to be with you but I can't,you know why?, cause I know you're busy and I don't want to disturb you by surprising you there,and Everytime I was scrolling in your profile seeing all your post with those fucking clingy girls and to those asshole-' I cut him off

'park jihoon' I said breaking the hug but he hug me again and continue to speak

'oh I'm sorry,I mean I was so jelous to those people who clingy at you, especially the girl in the red dress who's holding you bare hand,I mean who the hell...she don't have a right to hold you like that cause I'm yours,your hand was mine,your lip was mine,your heart was mine and your...the thing there is mine too' he said the last part while looking at my members and smirk

'yah you' I said that cause him to chuckle and laugh so hard

'why I'm just stating the fact,that's mine right...oh don't tell me there's someone,yah Choi Hyunsuk' he said being serious again

'i didn't said anything,your thinking to much baby' I let out

He sigh and hug me again

'i missed you'

'i missed you more'

'i love you'

'i love you more'

'this is mine right?' he ask and I was shock when his hand grab min

'yah you dummy' I said with my eyes like a sauser

'okay okay lemme hug you again, promise I won't hold it again haha' he said as I open my arms and hugged him



Re-publish;dumb I kinda want to read but nvm,Im not going to read this story duh even tho I'm confused I don't want to

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