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'baby where are you?'



I cut off when someone drag my hands and I knew it was Hyunsuk

He was dragging me untill my back fell again the wall,he pinned me to the wall

I open my eyes cause it was close when I saw his gazed

It was a powerful gaze

The fact that I can handle it so I look down

'whats wrong with you?' he finally ask after glaring at me for the whole time

'w-whats wrong,d-did I do something' I stuttered still looking down

'probably you didn't do anything but why you need to do that' he again said but now it was so soft like an aww,it was so low and sweet,it was lingering through my ears

I look at himhe was looking at me,he's stare was so intense like I could faint in any time 'do what?' I said

'that' he said looking down at my body,he seems to look at me like that cause gosh I can't handle it

'what about it' I teasingly said

He look at me again and give me a glare 'you're so fucking hot jihoon you know' he let out

I would like if I'll tell my heart didn't burse but this was different, hearing it from him was different than hearing it to others,it was so different that I love to hear all the time

A silent,a comfortable silent until he sigh and look away

'they're staring at you,fuck them,do they need to look at you Everytime to check you,do they need to smile while checking you huh, can't they find their own Jihoon and just owning mine' he said and now hes eyes was back at me

'but I thought you will having fun with that girl so you don't mi-' I cut off again

'exactly I was having fun talking to her but fuck it jihoon,I can't help but to get in my nerves when i saw them staring at you like they want to eat you' I was shocked,I literally didn't imagine he will say those word


'do you know how much I want to pushed them away here cause they're so fucking annoying,like I want to shout out loud there that you're mine and no body can fucking stare at you like they own you than me' he said those words while looking straight at my eyes, tears drop to his eyes

I panicked,I didn't know he was crying

'are you jelous?' I ask,he let go and put his two arm to his. Waist

'of fucking course,I was' he let all those words while he was walking and switch the lights on

He was now drinking water and after that fuck he removed his first layer,he was now wearing a sleeveless,his plain brown sleeveless,he was hot,he's so fucking hot fuck if he's looking at me now he's been curious why I'm looking at him like I want to eat him cause damn yes I want

He look at me and yes I started walking to him giving him a surprise and confused walk

'what now ji-' I cut him off when I kiss him aggressively

Damn his lips,the taste of his lips is different,it's was too sweet than before and soft as pillow

I pulled out to catch a breath when I look at him,he was looking at me damn I knew it

He kiss me again this time where kissing each other than earlier that I was the one who's kissing,Im sure hewas shocked so he didn't kiss back

We started walking while kissing grabbing the door at the guests room downstairs near at the living room while trying to reach the knob and close it again

Now we're removing each other top,he laid me on the bed and look at me

'i hate you' he mumbled

'i know' I said lifting him down and now I was on top of him

I started kissing his jaw Down to his neck leaving a purple dot on it

He moan,fuck,fuck it,I love when he moan,I love his voice

'ba-baby' he let out

I look at him and smile

'i love you'

'i love you too'

As I started sucking his neck and chest leaving a purple dot on it, loving his voice lingering through my ears


My bad

I'm not good at writing fluffs:)

That's it bye&$-#&#($;#(#

Re-publish; fluffs??????????????what the hell

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