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It's been awhile since jihoon and Hyunsuk decided to live together

But the fact Hyunsuk doesn't want it,it's just jihoon was pushing his self to stay there Hyunsuk agreed

A couple of time has past now Hyunsuk was lying on his bed waiting for jihoon to come since the younger ask him if he will accompany him to walk in the park cause the whether this time was absolutely refreshing.


A voice was heard coming outside as Hyunsuk get up to his bed to check it

Oh hi you're here I thought your not coming

Hyunsuk let out straighty as he rubbing his eyes from dizziness

Lets go then

The other responce and grad Hyunsuk hand

I want to eat

Hyunsuk shutted pouting really hard and blinking his eyes slowly

Okay let's eat outside,there's no open restaurant there,I'll treat you

The other said but Hyunsuk stay stilled

I want to eat now I think I can walk when I'm hungry

He once let out again,that cause the other to sigh

Yeah we're going to eat...outside okay com'on... Hyunsuk

He scolded and that when Hyunsuk agreed


I thought were going to a new open restaurant why are we doing here,is these street food(court)

The smaller ask

Yeah,this is what I mean this is the new open fast and street food here,look there's a lot of food here we can buy anything and this is the perfect place for date...

The other suddenly said nonchalantly, Hyunsuk stay stilled again upon hearing the word date it's give him a goosebumps and butterflies were going Wilder


He said

Yeah I mean,no oh i-its just a you know,uhm how can I describe it,yeah ahm were just going to eat haha

The latter nervously said as he let go of Hyunsuk hand and cleared his throat

Is that so,o-okay,I'll get going I-i want to eat now

The smaller said leaving jihoon there blushing


Hyunsuk and Jihoon are walking now with a paper bag filled with fruits and veggies for there stock as Hyunsuk caught something familiar to him,he stayed there as the girl come approach him

Hey suk is that you,oh my long time no see,how are you?

The girl nonchalantly said smiling at Hyunsuk who's now dumbfounded and shocked

Hey suk are you okay,it is okay to see me here,well I can-

No it's o-okay,and f-for your question I'm good,yeah I'm fine,how about you??

Hyunsuk was shuttering

Well me,I'm still hurt since you left but I'm into move on right now,and decided to have a vacation here since my mom live here before right I told you before haha

She said still smiling at Hyunsuk

As jihoon was watching them he cleared his throat and glance awkwardly

MOON🐷🐼🌕 // Sukhoon [✓]Where stories live. Discover now