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The MOON is beautiful isn't it
- I love you
The sunset is beautiful isn't it
- I'll let go



Sheela's POV

I entered Jihoon's room and found him sleeping I open his phone cause I heard it's ringing and I saw the calling name (wtf calling name???) It's baby😘,I was thinking who's this but I think it's jihoon's girlfriend,I click the answer button and try to hear anything until-

'hey baby I thought were going to hangout now it's already 8:30 pm and wait baby hey are you listening' the person in other call said,fuck I hear-i hear a boys,it was a boy I was shocked so I suddenly click the off button (off button???) I put the phone in the side table and lay beside jihoon.


Hyunsuk POV

I arrive at our meeting place at exact 7 pm but no Jihoon there,it's already 8:32 pm but still no Park Jihoon there so I decided to call him and ask where he is.

I dialed his number and call him I waited for 7 minutes and he answered it

'hey baby I thought were going to hangout now it's already 8:30 pm and wait baby hey are you listening-' I said  was shocked because I don't know why he hangout my call I was shocked so I call him again after I figured out what he just did,after ringing for almost 11 minutes I ended up the call and walk through the road to call a taxi

'im going home now Park Jihoon,I'm going home' I thought

'agh regretting that I left my car' I thought once again when a car stop in front of me

'hey Hyunsuk it's you,your going home come in I'll take you home' the boy said,at first I didn't recognize him but I realized now

'oh Yoonbin it's you long time no see' I said smiling ear to ear


'hey bin,it's me' Hyunsuk said

'hey suk,what are you doing here I thought you have  lunch with your new friend and girlfriend' Yoonbin said

'come on bin,your my friend after all and don't tell me you don't want to be with me,I heard you're going to new York this week,hmm' Hyunsuk said facing Yoonbin with a smile

'no I'm no longer your friend suk,you have a new friends and you have a girlfriend now and besides I'm going to America,okay America-'


'so enjoy your life with your girlfriend and new found friends,let's just meet if we have time' Yoonbin said

'yah stop with that new friends,you know bin let's just skip the class so we can hangout today,hmm good idea right,bin' suk said

'you know suk I don't want to skip classes because it's my last day so no' yoobin said while sitting up now leaving Hyunsuk dumbfounded

'wait,what? Your last day you said you have still 2 days here,yah come on bin just today,binnn wait for me' Hyunsuk got up


'yeah it's me,so better get in now so I can take you home' he said

'sure why not' I said getting in to his car

MOON🐷🐼🌕 // Sukhoon [✓]Where stories live. Discover now