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The Moon is shinning isn't it


No ones POV

Its already afternoon and now students are walking around the school going to library,canteen,and field resting waiting for them to leave in school which is not new to others.

Hyunsuk and his friends are now in the field sitting circle talking about hows they first day come when Jihoon's and his friends walk towards them confidently sit besides them not urning any embarrassed for what they doing,well they're pro,they always ruined almost group bonding that's why some students are literally mad at them(Yoshi felt embarrassed everytime they doing it)


Hyunsuk POV

We're just talking nonsense when Jihoon and his friends came near us and sitting with us,I was totally hate him but I can't do anything than accept them sitting with us.

'hi' that rude guy said

'uhm hmm' junghwan hummed eating his glazed donut

'what?' jihoon said raising his brows

'jihoon come on I wanna take a nap,I want to sleep early today let's go home' That Kim Junkyu guy said while hugging Haruto's waist

'then go Junkyu,I wanna stay here,I wanna see my Smurf till he fell in love with me' jihoon said that really annoyed me,I hate him so much

's-smurf?' Doyoung said with his shocked and confused face tounge out mouth wide open

'yeah my Smurf, Hyunsuk' he said smiling at me with his cute eye smil- what no it's not cute

'yah Jihoon were going home now,bye,lets go haruto' that junkyu said

His friends already left leaving this rude guy sitting beside me.

'i hate it,I hate this guy beside me' I thought as I glancing at him


As time goes by it's time to leave and all my friends left going home of course leaving me with this rude guy walking with me while staring at me sweetly,nad I swear if he didn't stop I'm going to push him to the road to die-huh? Choi Hyunsuk your being rude,your parents didn't raise you for being rude.

'yah aren't you going to speak,I'm waiting for you to speak out' he said changing his expression into sad and pouty face and I found it cute-

'you're so cute' he said still staring at me

'w-what?' I ask nervously

'i said you're so cute Smurf' he said ones again now holding my hands

I was kinda shock and nervous when he hold my hand,his hand really fit to mine,and it's so warm and soft that I don't want to lose but it's kinda weird if I didn't loose it right,so I let go of his hand and said-

'what I'm not cute,and stop holding my hand it's not for yours' I said nonchalantly to not look weird

'come on Smurf you're so cute and look it's very fit' he said holding my hand ones again,my heart beat so fast like a pro but I stay calm and let go of his hand

'i said I'm not cute and don't you dare hold my hand ones again my girlfriend would be jelous' I said walking fast leaving him shocked,I promise I didn't mean to say that I have a girlfriend I just can't figure out why he's holding my hand and saying I'm cute.


Jihoon's POV

Im walking now with Hyunsuk since my friends left me there but I swear I really like walking with Hyunsuk even tho I just met him earlier in an expected reason and now I'm walking with him and staring at him like he's going to melt.

'yah aren't you going to speak,I'm waiting for you to speak out' I said while staring at him pouting,he didn't answer me and that pissed me of really

'you're so cute' i said is a serious but cute tone,I saw him nervous as he answered nervously

'w-what' he said

'i said you're so cute my Smurf' I said as I held his hands and now we're holding hands

'what I'm not cute,and stop holding my hands it's not for you' he said nonchalantly

I was kinda chuckles on what he said until-

'come on Smurf your so cute and look it's very fit really' nad held his hand ones again with loud foot steps heart beating so fast but stayed calmly

'i said I'm not cute,and don't you dare hold my hand ones again my girlfriend would be jelous' he said walking fastly and now I can reach him

I was shocked so I stay froze there,I'm standing right in the middle of the road(it's not totally road,here in our country it's called 'runaway' lol)until-

'hey boy you're standing in the wrong place keep you foot in the side your not just the people here' a man with a black suit said

'oh I'm sorry Mister' I said walking to the near bench, sitting their like a fool


Nigths fast time skip I was in our house luckily my parents go to an business trip and now I'm alone considering our maids is here too but I thought I was just alone here nothing but me,I was in the middle of my thoughts when suddenly the bell rang,I was kinda lazy getting up from my bed but I managed.

'im going to open it auntie,just rest now so you can prepare breakfast for me' I said to our head maid and cook and she just nodded and go back to their room well I prefer to call her auntie since she was the one who take care of me when I'm young until now-

I open the door and seeing junkyu with Haruto half awake with only there sleep clothes (pajamas)-(well junkyu,jihoon and Haruto is on one village which is jihoon don't like because anytime junkyu would knocked to their door only with those different design of koala pajamas and sometimes she begged Haruto to come with him and here they are in jihoon room laying on the floor(I prefer floor because it's so comfy and it's 3 of they so it's exciting hehe)

'jihoon?' ask junkyu I jus hummed since I don't want to messed with junkyu tonight because of what happen just earlier

'what happened earlier' he ask lazyly

'what?' I just answered and close my eyes

'i said what happened earlier with you and Hyunsuk are you deaf' he said

'no I mean nothing'i said cracking up

'tsk, nothing huh that mashiho guy said to me that you hold Hyunsuk hand earlier Hyunsuk said to his friends so mashiho takata tell to me too since I considered him friend' junkyu said wrapping his arms on Haruto who is sleeping tightly on his side

'mashiho said that?'i ask he just hummed

'well I don't think it's a big deal since he has a girlfriend and based on what he described her she is Kinda jelousy, jelous huh I don't know what to call because i still didn't felt it before so yeah that's it's I said and he just hummed for what I said

'okay, goodnight' he said Finally sleeping

'goodnight' i said

It's already 11 but I can't sleep thinking about Hyunsuk and that girlfriend hes talking about I don't handle but think and think about him

'agh park jihoon you need to sleep' I thought finally visiting a sleep



It's 10:22 now here and decided to write since I was done editing my pov in tiktok and some random Videos about treasure.thats it's thanks

|Today's date:03/22/21|

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