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How to calm???


'hyung' junghwan said waving his hand

'oh ju- junghwannie' the latter said looking at junghwan now looking at Hyunsuk who's at yoonbin's back looking away from the latters stare

'so you're here too and oh hi Bin it's been a while don't tell me you're not going to great your long time friend' the latter said giving his hand to Yoonbin

'oh Jihoon,I'm sorry but I can take your hand now can't you see,sukkie is on my back' the taller said try to look at the smaller who's looking away

'oh I'm sorry' the latter said turning his hand away

Sheela just watching there concerned for what jihoon could do anytime or maybe continue there plan last week but seems like jihoon is not in the mood to do anything that will cause a fight over the two groups just now,she was just thinking what happened to Hyunsuk why hes on Yoonbin's back


'YAH PARK JIHOON!!' Sheela said holding his tears

'sheela please don't tell Mom and Dad about me and Hyunsuk please' jihoon pleased

'no I'm not going to tell them but at least tell me everything' the brunette let out wiping the tears who just fall down to his glossy cheeks

'what do you mean everything' jihoon ask confused

'everything! Jihoon everything'


'ah hi Hyunsuk I'm sheela,are you okay you want me to pack you an ice so your ankle won't hurt that much' the Brunette offer

'ah s-sure it's okay t-thanks' Hyunsuk said awkwardly

The silent went long when Jihoon spoke up

'ah suk what Happened to your ankle?' the latter ask looking at Hyunsuk who's now looking at him back emotionally

'you Don't care' the smaller answer rudely which caused all of them to look at the smaller

'agh o-okay I'm sorry' the latter said going back eating his mint choco ice cream (toothpaste 🤪)


It's already time to leave when Hyunsuk stood up and Yoonbin gives his back so Hyunsuk could get but suddenly Jihoon grab the smaller hand and ask him to go with him instead since there on the same way

'come on sukkie go on now' the taller said smiling to the smaller who's smiling back at him

Before Hyunsuk could climb at the taller's back someone grab his hand and

'Yah park Jihoon what are you doing' the smaller said giving the latter a glare

'just go with me since agh we're in the same way and Yoonbin who's far his house to yours you know' the latter said holding the smaller back and hand

'what even tho it's far away I will take him home and besides Sheela is with you just take her home,she's your fiance right' the taller response

'yeah but he's my,I mean Hyunsuk is my friend and as I said earlier we have the same way to go so-'

'no I'm the one who bring him here so I'll be the one who will take him home,let's go sukkie' yoonbin's said

'wait,what the heck bin know your place here your nothing' the latter suddenly let out that cause the other wide there eyes

'oh' said all

'and you,who the hell are you,your nothing too ji nothing but a asshole'

'what did you say,bin you know since you come you ruin everything, especially my relationship with suk,you know if you didn't back here we're happy now' jihoon just said loud

'what??' 'what jihoon hyung mean' 'wait Sheela did you know this?' 'wtf so jihoon and Hyunsuk have a relationship that's why Jihoon is acting weird' jihoon's friends asking each other while the other group was now concerned and worried



Meanwhile Hyunsuk just standing there looking at them two,he want to let go but Jihoon and Yoonbin holding his two hand

'let go of me it's hurts' the smaller let out a big growne,all of them look at him in concerned but he gave them Death glare

'you know jihoon you're so annoying I don't know but your a fucking asshole too,you didn't told me about you and sheela's arrange marriage and acting like you're the sweetest couple in our school then now, you're so dramatic dumbass who's acting like your still my boyfriend,look Park Jihoon I'm no longer your boyfriend now nor your Friend so stop acting like your concern to me but the fact  you are not-


'im not done yet,yo know what jihoon I don't know if I can tell this to you but fuck you,' the smaller let out tears forming to his eyes

'no suk Don't cry,I told you I don't want to see you crying' jihoon said going to wipes Hyunsuk cheeks

'dont touch him' Yoonbin said

'no you two don't fucking touch me'...'fuck you' 'doyoung, junghwan, jeongwoo jaehyuk,mashi let's go

'but Sukkie'

'dont come near him bin,I saying this to you don't come near him' jihoon let out giving the taller a glare pointing his finger on the taller's face

'wait hyung where are you going' yedam ask

Just jihoon looking at Hyunsuk leaving the par


'fuck you,fuck you,fuck you,your so annoying,your fucking asshole, dumbass' jihoon keep repeating those words in his head,he don't know how to react but this time he was sure Hyunsuk was mad at him all the time, Hyunsuk hate him and Hyunsuk can't be with him after this,never again,just like Tinkerbell, Hyunsuk stay with him untill he find his Wendy which is Sheela,just like a star who will give a light to you until the moon will shines through the sky that will give you a much longer happiness a much longer light, Hyunsuk is just a friend who will stay when Jihoon is alone but go when they finally found the love of there life but what if Destiny just playing them,what if God just playing there patient to wait for each other until the day they'll going to meet again and continue the love that lock because of someone,what if those what if became 'destiny challenge us' 'god just challenge us' 'we already meet each other' 'we already continue loving each other' but we're not sure at everything, destined will decide if we are belong to each other.



Stay tuned to the next chapter 😩😭

I can think right this time I'm sorry for this chapter it's not smooth as I imagine,it's not good as I think,it's not right as my idea but hope you like it✨

Re-publish; why can't I read my own story is like just super cringe to me😭

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