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An advice I just want to tell you that loving someone was sacrificing,yeah you can tell you're happy but not always right? We have alot of responsibility not just loving someone, always remember that love yourself first before love someone by all your heart cause now you can't tell if you'll last forever (my font change lol)



I'm still mad at Hyunsuk but I can resist him,the way he hugged me every night,kiss me on the forehead fuck I missed it


Baby answer me,wanna cuddle

Hey...I love you

Park Jihoon you're the only man I love...I love you

I Choi Hyunsuk promise to love this cute park Jihoon

Baby~ I'm cold cuddle me please

Hey baby,I'm hungry cook some food for baby please

Baby~ i~ love~ you~ so muchhhhhhhhh

Baby,yah look at me please,iam pretty...hmm,yeopo

Park Jihoon saranghae~

Hey baby,don't you love me *suddenly start crying* don't love your baby anymore

Yah stop it

Why because you don't love me*crying*

I love you okay,stop crying tsk

Really,yay park Jihoon love me,my baby love me,oh give me a kiss then


I said give me a kiss,hmp.


*Kiss in the cheeks*

Yah I don't want it,I want here*point in the lips*



aishhh okay,come here*kiss*

One more


are you deaf I said one more








And that's it we've back again in Normal,I don't know I feel dumb that day,iam suppose to ignore him but...


'yah jihoon where's my necklace?' Hyunsuk ask in louder voice

'i don't know,and what did you just call me,huh?'

'it doesn't matter,I need to find my necklace,go help me'

'what kind of necklace is that and it's important to you?' jihoon ask Hyunsuk look at him

'that was the necklace mother gives to me when I'm heading to Paris' the elder let out

'ah o-okay,I'll help you'

An hour pas

'agh Hyunsukahhhhh let's stop,we can't see it' the other let out

'then rest I'mma find it,it's so important to me' the elder said in disbelief

'can we continue this tomorrow look we still didn't have a dinner'

'then eat yourself,I said I will find it'

'agh let's just buy something really looks like-' he cut off

'jihoon,you don't know how important that necklace to me,mom give it to me,I-i promise to her that I will take care of that before she died' the elder start sobbing and Jihoon take the elder and hug him

Hyunsuk-ahh  this necklace is given by your grandma okay,take care of this,wear this always cause if you wore this me and your grandma will be besides you always,and as I say always waer this okay

Yes mom,I will,and I'll take care of this no matter what, thanks for this mom

Hmmm,okay lemme hug this baby for the last time then

Mom there still a lot of time

You're not sure


Haha I'm just joking,go now byebye take care,I love you

I love you too Mom take care

I'm sorry I didn't know auntie gave it to you,I'm sorry baby stop crying now okay, we'll find it' jihoon said facing the elder to cupped his cheeks drying it

'no it's okay,it's my fault tho,I'm sure Mom and Grandma will understand me' the elder said

'okay now,let's eat,I know you're tired from finding your necklace,I cook something' jihoon said holding the elders hand and drag him to the kitchen



Re-publish;what's with those butterflies and spark?

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