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Hyunsuk's POV

I shut the door close and lean to it

Fuck Hyunsuk what did you do aghhh fuck it I'm sure now Jihoon is running to his room and shouting aghh you ruin the plan you said you will make him cry but aghhhh Choi Hyunsuk you fuck up I hate myself so much agghhhhh' I said running to my room and putting mg face on the pillow and shout my lungs out

Jihoon's POV

after Hyunsuk close his door I run and unlock my door and run to my room I was on top of my bed and jumping while shouting like a crazy ass bitch,I want to go back and kiss him agreesivelg but now I cant,I just can't Hyunsuk say he still love me and all this year's he's been thinking about me no other than this sexy boy and it's me oh my gosh I must pack my things live with him or I must buy a wedding ring and propose to him now but no I need to work for this I want to go back to him and literally like what aghhhhhhhhhhhhh I can think right Choi Hyunsuk I love you so much' I shouted as if he heard it but no he didn't cause this building is safe for loud moan I mean loud shout agh Choi Hyunsuk


A day past jihoon always knocking at Hyunsuk door but no one is opening it maybe just maybe Hyunsuk is busy or he didn't want to talk with Jihoon but one time when Jihoon decided to knock at Hyunsuk door exact 12 in the midnight jihoon saw Hyunsuk walking to the hallway to of course go to his door but Jihoon decided to hide so he can observe why Hyunsuk go to home this late at night but when he was going to pop Hyunsuk up someone call Hyunsuk that really annoyed and shocked him

'oh yeah man what's up I'm here at my door' Hyunsuk said

'what I want to take a rest now this past few weeks id been resting for just 5 hours and go to work again this night I mean this morning I want to take a long rest man I don't want to go back this time,I'mma do to it tommorow I'm not going in day off so I can do that tomorrow but now no i just can't please' Hyunsuk said after he heard the others response earlier

'what at this time someone want Hyunsuk to do the things off' jihoon thought

'but man can't you see it's 12 midnight and I really want to sleep not this time  man like promise I will go to work tomorrow even tho its my break' he said again

'who the fuck is that man to agh just hung up the call Hyunsuk' jihoon thought again

'okay man I'll go now wait for me' Hyunsuk said leaving his door open but didn't realize it

'hyunsuk go rest now' jihoon want to shout but his lips can open to speak he want to ask Hyunsuk to just rest but he just can't


Jihoon will going back to his apartment but he saw Hyunsuk door was open so he think not just twice but trice if  he will come inside,maybe Hyunsuk will get mad at him but maybe not right' jihoon thought until he already decided to come in

Jihoon come in and the lights on the shed suddenly open,he search for the lights place in the living room and open it when he open it his mouth wide open on how beautiful and organize the things in Hyunsuk's room like even the lightning it's violet and a lot of things are just wow

Jihoon sat on Hyunsuk's bed now feeling the heat coming from the smaller's bed and then lay down smelling the others bed thinking that it was Hyunsuk smell

He thought so many time until an idea pop in his head,he thinks what if he cook a food so when Hyunsuk is already here he will eat so he can take a rest


As of now Jihoon is on the kitchen enjoying the other's organized and clean kitchen tools while singing some song in his playlist when a stylist and good looking man was standing still in his back

'ugh hoha YAH CHOI HYUNSUK WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE YOU SHOCK ME FROM DEATH LOOK ITS 1:13 IN THE MORNING AGH-ah ah I mean me what I am doing here it's your house and why iam cooking it's not my kitchen and why iam acting like this it's not my place after all im-im sorry' jihoon said

Hyunsuk still standing there with heavy heart,his eyes was near from closing,his arm was feels weak,his long short foot is already giving up even his face was shouting I want to go home now but even tho he is in his house right now he's posture still heavy

'jihoonie' a small cute voice left on the smaller's mouth

'oh suk what's wrong huh your hungry do you want to eat?' jihoon panicked and come near to Hyunsuk

Hyunsuk hug jihoon and cry the other was shocked on what the smaller did but smile creep to his face and hug back the smaller

'im tired,I-i really really want to rest and sleep 24/7' the smaller let out while crying

'oh it's okay,i'okay,let's go I will take you to your room' the other said

'no I want here,I still want to hug you please' the smaller said facing the other

'is that so,hmmm okay let's stay like this until you want to take a rest on you bed' the other let out

'thank you' the smaller let a small but cute Thank you


Okay hi✨

I will continue this tommorow I guess

Have a good night/morning everyone

Re-publish; Junkyu's birthday tomorrow y'all

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