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Near to full moon,the moon is beautiful isn't it ✨



Jihoon's POV

I'm now entering Soobin's house with Junkyu,Haruto,Yedam and Asahi,Yoshi isn't with us because of busy schedule since he's practicing for his new position in there company in Japan in the mean time Yoshi will go back to Japan and continue learning there so we're always asking him to hangout with us and go out together so we can make more memories until Yoshi back to Japan.

And speaking of the party it's nice since my eyes only landed to Hyunsuk because all of people here he was the most attractive,a pot of Girls especially our batch mates asking me to dance with them but I refused because I don't want Hyunsuk to think that I'm not sincere with what I said to him before so I'm just staring at him while dancing imagining he's dancing with me and fuck he stare back at me,I shook my head and go back to dancing,I wasn't expecting this but he was hot as fuck he's not wearing his denim jacket since his clothes got wet from the fool so now he was wearing a denim jacket with white sando and chain and he's so hot really.

Party is still in,some people are now dazing, others are vomiting outside when my eyes caught Hyunsuk again talking to someone else,I didn't know who is he talking to but I feel bad,I think something will happen so I didn't bother anyone and go to Hyunsuk leaving Yedam and Asahi there since Haruto and Junkyu is dancing with Mashiho and Jeongwoo on the other side.

'Hyung' I said holding his bare hand

'what?' he ask rudely staring at me and go facing the latter,the latter just smirk on what Hyunsuk behavior at me

'hyung let's go' I said dragging him

'jihoon please not now,can't you see I'm talking to someone' he said facing me

'hyung let's go' I repeat holding his grip

'jihoon what up with you' Hyunsuk shout that cause the whole crowd stare at what happening with us

I stayed qiuet for a while and spoke

'okay,I'll leave now' I said loosing his grip and leaving when he hold my wrist

'no Hoon,I'm sorry what is it?' he said I smile a little and face him,the crowd back on what there doing just dancing and drinking

'can we talk,just us' I sad smiling

'o-okay' he let out a smile smile and leaving the boy dumbfounded


Hyunsuk's POV

I'm walking outside with Jihoon leaving our friend to the party when Jihoon stop and let out a small giggles

'What?' I ask

'n-nothing I just found this cute,can I hold your hand' he ask,I shook my head on what he said and a minute past hes now holding my hands

'ah Hoon I'm sorry for erl-'
'no suk no need to sorry about it's my fault I'm pleading you to something you don't want to do' he said facing me while holding my shoulder

'o-okay' I let out

'can I hug you?' he ask,he didn't let me answer his question when he hug me tightly


We stay for like this for long minutes when he let go of me,I was shocked because I saw him crying

'wait Hoon are you crying,no no don't cry baby,don't cr-' I said when I realized what I said earlier 'ba-baby?' I thought,jihoon suddenly lift his head and face me

'what did you said earlier suk?' he ask I was nervous I don't know what to say but I managed

'i said,hmm,don't cry'

'no the last one?' he ask again

'dont cry,I said don't cry' I let out loosing my hold to him

'no,you said earlier-' he didn't finish his word when I spoke

'okay I said baby, enough' I said while pouting,he let out an chuckles and laugh

'so you're considering me as your baby hmm' he said lifting my chin to face him

'n-no i-'  I didn't finish when he close his face to mine and kiss me passionately,I didn't respond to his kiss so he Bite my lower lips so i can open my mouth and so he can explore his tounge to mine

I don't know what Todo so I just close my eyes and response to his kiss when he let go and-

's-sorry haha' he said awkwardly


'can I kiss you again?' he ask and i just nodded he giggle and start kissing me again

The kiss was so passionate and full of his love but I don't think that was I'm thinking too,I love how he kiss me,I love how he explore his tounge to mine, I can feel his eagerness and love but I don't think he can feel mine too because I don't know what meaning of this kiss,uhm maybe a friend kiss.



I've been enjoying Weverse today,I start writing this chapter yesterday but I just finished now because of weverse.

Sorry for error wrong words and sentence it's typo's fault not my fingers

|Today's date:03/29/21|

MOON🐷🐼🌕 // Sukhoon [✓]Where stories live. Discover now