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Happy April fool's day



No one's POV

This is the start again all students are now walking through there prespective room not until jihoon meet Hyunsuk

'hey suk,hmm you're early huh are you looking for me' jihoon ask

'looking your ass' Hyunsuk said while giggling and continue walking

'what the heck,suk you're so horny' jihoon let out that cause the smaller stop from walking

'shut up' the smaller let out


The students are talking to each other some are talking about the vacation they have when Doyoung notice that Hyunsuk and Jihoon is wearing a turtle neck is this kind of weather

'wait, Hyunsuk hyung why are you wearing turtle neck and also you Jihoon' Doyoung ask

'ah you know Doyoung i-' hyunsuk didn't finish when the professor came in with a girl behind him

'okay class, I know the vacation it's to short for you but this time I want you to meet Sheela Sun your new classmate,she is Mr. Park our school investor's son fiance' the professor introduce that cause the students shocked all eyes to Jihoon, meanwhile Jihoon is looking at Hyunsuk who's just glaring at jihoon

'okay now Sheela go sit next to your fiance,so we can start our lesson' the professor gesture to Sheela and Sheela did

'h-hi hoon,what's up' Sheela greet waving her hands to jihoon but Jihoon is still looking at Hyunsuk who's now glaring at Sheela


Jihoon grab sheela's hand who's now walking to the hallway to canteen

'hey Sheela why are you here?' ask jihoon grabbing Sheela to an empty room

'let go of me ji',I don't want to but I need to be here my dad and uncle sent me here' Sheela said bowing her head to not meet jihoon's eyes

'but sheela-'

'no ji,you don't know,so stop acting like I don't know all first I know you have a boyfriend yes a boyfriend and I know it's Choi Hyunsuk of Choi interprise right' Sheela said facing jihoon who is stock in his place because he was shocked of what Sheela said

'wait Sheela no,let's talk' jihoon said grabbing sheela's hand again

'what now ji?' Sheela ask nervously

'sheela uhm'


'uhm I want to you to act like my fiance' jihoon said holding sheela's both hands

'w-what but I'm your fiance' Sheela just let out

'no,yes I mean my real fiance like how the two fiance's act like holding hands-' ji didn't finish because Sheela cut him

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