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We gonna fly,until the moon goes by



Jihoon's POV

It's been a week since we live in a dorm,and I still understand why Hyunsuk didn't want to talk with me.

This past few week I always buying Junghwan a glazed donut over a information about Hyunsuk,one time I brought him a 5 piece of glazed donut and he told me the one secret Hyunsuk had been hiding since the day they've been met.


'Jihoon hyung thank you for those donuts and btw what information do you want' he ask

'anything about Hyunsuk' I responded while giving him my cute eyes smile

'uhm he's the heir of Choi interprise' he said eating his donuts

'i already known that' I said

'hmm his ex name was Ryujin' he said

'i know that also' I said

'oum how about a girl in highschool ask Hyunsuk hyung to go out but Hyunsuk hyung refuse because he was the one who want to ask the girl to go out and give her a lovely date at Lotte world Jeju and ask her to marry him because Hyunsuk hyung don't want to marry a business relative and the girl said yes but Hyunsuk hyung parents know what Hyungs doing so the girl was out in our school and hyung has to go in Paris which where he met Ryujin noona hmm' he said finishing his donuts

'really,what else?' I ask more

'when he met Ryujin,hyung became the most attractive nerd at their school in Paris,he has a unique fashion sense and everything hes perfect but one time, Ryujin and hyung fight because a girl in their school try to flirt with hyung and Ryujin caught them and that time...' he said lowering his voice

'that time what?' I ask

'that time Ryujin and hyung did there first...' he said facing me

'what?' I

'did there life...which is...' he said almost whispering

'junghwan please tell already' I said nonchalantly

'that time at Hyungs condo Ryujin and hyung did there first' junghwan said

I shocked my head,I can think right,my mind blank at the time I heard what junghwan said,I was vulnerable I'm so emotional I can imagine what Hyunsuk doing with Ryujin I want to shout and everything but,but...

'hyung,jihoonie hyung?' junghwan said waving his hand to my face

'ah yeah' I responded

'wait are you crying,why?' he ask nervously

'huh,no I'm not crying something just get to my eyes I'm not crying' I said wiping mg tears

'but hyung promise me you'll never gonna tell this Hyungs most secret to others only us know what Hyungs most secret hmm' he said

'us,who else knows it's I ask him smiling

'of course Ryujin friend Yeji,me and others, mashiho, jeongwoo, Doyoung jaehyuk and you hehe' he said

'okay I promise I'm going to shsshh my mouth' I said

'okay hyung thanks for buying me this,I get going now Hyunsuk hyung waiting for me there,bye' he said walking to the door and waving his hand.


Im now walking to the canteen when a boy with a green hair caught my attention I was shocked on sudden change of his hair but green hair suit him well.

Im now walking to the canteen when a boy with a green hair caught my attention I was shocked on sudden change of his hair but green hair suit him well

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Haruto is sitting beside him 'why they're together' I thought

'jihoon hyung here's Haruto said smiling at me, Hyunsuk up his chin to look at me but bow when I look at him

'oh hi guys,is junghwan here he left me earlier I thought he's here'

'he was buying food for us' Hyunsuk said still not looking at me

'oh Hyunsuk your new hair suit to you well,when did you change it's I ask staring at him so once he look at me I can at his beautiful eyes

'last day' he said again not looking at me I feel like I'm crying inside mine but I stay quiet and wait for the food I ordered in the counter



Short update for y'all

I'm sorry for error wrong words and sentence it's typo's fault not my fingers 🙂

Happy Lisa's Day🖤

What do you think,why Hyunsuk being quiet around with Jihoon?

Im confused too,but I think I have an idea what Hyunsuk changed here don't get me wrong I don't sexualizing Treasure and I'm not going to do that but I'll ask you about this horny thing

Who do you think is top😭?

Is Hyunsuk being homo when Jihoon is around him because he likes girls or just Hyunsuk being calm because of his parents?

Okay thats it,bye.

|Today's date:03/27/21|

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