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Can you stay up all night,fvck me 'till the daylight do you 34+35😳
(I'm not excited on 34+35's yedam cover)



No one's POV

Hyunsuk and Jihoon stayed when suddenly Hyunsuk thought about what jihoon did to him yesterday.

'wait hang on' the smaller said that cause the latter confused

'what?' ask the latter

'no this is not right,lemme put this wardrobe first' the smaller let out

'no,your not going to put anything,I like when you're naked' the latter said smirking eyes exploring the smaller body

'what,no I have to discuss to you first' the smaller said raising his brows

'what baby~' the latter let out trying to calm the smaller

'PARK JIHOON don't try me with your sweet voice you're not even explaining about last night why didn't you go there I was waiting for almost an hour when I was bored and decided to go home I saw Yoonbin and he take me home-' the smaller didn't finish when the latter cut him

'what Yoobin,you said that Yoonbin guy?' the latter ask

'yeah it's Yoonbin my chuchu' the smaller said staring straight to the latters eyes

'CHOI HYUNSUK DON'T KNOW  I HATE THAT GUY,yeah we're friends before but I hate him hmp.' the latter said holding the smaller grip

'oh come on,are you jelous hmm,are you jelous see you're not looking at me you're jelous ah-' the smaller cut when the latter carry him like a bridal shower and down him onto the smaller king size bed

'YAH PARK JIHOON WHAT ARE YOU DOI-' the smaller cut off when the latters kiss him aggressively

'yes baby I'm jelous,Im so jelous because he likes you even before and now I don't think if he does but I don't want you to be with him,hmmm?' the latter said sweetly loosing Hyunsuk's wardrobe and continue kissing his jaw

'ji-jihoon' the smaller let out a sweet moan that cause the latter giggles and continue kissing it

Now Hyunsuk is fully naked while Jihoon is half naked ,Jihoon is on top of the latter staring at him with full of love and passion

'you're so beautiful when your naked baby,your driving me crazy' the latter let out when he suddenly kiss Hyunsuk's neck that cause the smaller let out a small moan

'what did you said earlier,you won't let me be top of you hmm,but why are you not moving now' jihoon said kissing Hyunsuk's neck

'why you don't want to do anything now,are you afraid that your hurt me that's why you didn't want to be top of me huh?' the latter said seductively causing the smaller shook his head

'w-what n-no w-why I'm going t-to do,what?' the smaller let out causing the latter chuckles and kiss Hyunsuk's forehead down to his nose and down to his precious lips (kiss me from my nose down to my~ my~,lol)

'you're beautiful baby~' jihoon said leaving a love bite on to smaller neck

'i-iam b-beautiful?' Hyunsuk ask,jihoon just nod and continue leaving a love bite to the smaller neck

'then it's my time' the smaller said pulling jihoon so now the smaller is on top of jihoon

'i told you just,I won't let you to be on top of me,I won't' the smaller whisper to the latters ear

Jihoon was shocked he didn't expect Hyunsuk to be this aggressive, Hyunsuk start to kiss jihoon's forehead and spoke

'im sorry if I'm going to hurt you this morning baby~' the smaller said smirking kissing jihoon's jaw down to his neck and now Jihoon have a bite too


'ah f-fvck Hyunsuk' jihoon let out a big moan causing the smaller smirk because he was doing great

'are you okay baby, tell me if it's hurts' the smaller said

'no,it's o-ughh-okay'

'wait, what are you crying,no baby you're crying' the smaller stop because the latter is crying now

'no,no continue on what your doing I'm okay' the latter said but the smaller stop and lift jihoon to hug him

'im sorry,I told you tell me if you're hurt,I'm not doing this anymore let's get shower' Hyunsuk said lifting jihoon up

'were going to shower together?' jihoon ask but Hyunsuk keep silent


'yah Jihoon stop kissing me,our school starts tommorow see I have alot of hickeys' Hyunsuk said

'but I want to kiss your neck hm,and why did you stop huh?' jihoon ask staring at Hyunsuk

'baby your so tight but I don't want to hurt you' the smaller said holding the latters cheeks

'so to Ryujin you can to me you don't' jihoon suddenly let out because of disappoinment


'i-i mean I can,it's not hurt,okay if you don't want to then please let me kiss your neck until I get lost hmm' the latter said changing the topic Hyunsuk just nod but he's thinking why jihoon know what Happened between them


'baby are you don- what the fuck jihoon why are you wearing a shirt' hyusuk ask eyes wide open

'why,it's beautiful I like your shirt but I like you better hehe' jihoon said giving Hyunsuk his eyes smile

'no,ji don't wear that look,yo-your hickeys,agh wear this wait' the smaller said walking through his walk in closet,jihoon just humming checking his beautiful hickeys at the mirror made by his lover Choi Hyunsuk

'this wear this' Hyunsuk sudjest but Jihoon just give him a glare

'no I don't want to wear that' jihoon said looking again at the mirror loving Hyunsuk arts

'NO WEAR THIS' Hyunsuk shout that cause jihoon jump (pop in yeah lol)

'I TOLD I DONT WANT TO WEAR THAT' jihoon said raising his voice (lol I can imagine jihoon saying this ;jskanwkshsishakwjkzbsjs nikka lol)



Hyunsuk didn't expect jihoon shouted like that but he feels his heart going to drop that cause him to let jihoon do what he want to do

'okay, sorry' Hyunsuk said leaving jihoon there

Jihoon was guilty to he hugged Hyunsuk from behind

'okay baby,I'm sorry I will wear it I'm sorry can you forgive me' jihoon said putting his chin to Hyunsuk's shoulder

'no it's okay,it's okay if you want to wear that really' Hyunsuk said letting his grip to jihoon

'baby,I'm sorry hm I'm going to wear that I know you just don't want other people see it so I'm sorry hmm' jihoon said hugging Hyunsuk again

'hmm okay' Hyunsuk let out

'but you're good doing hickeys huh I'd rather wear turtle neck everyday so I everyday you can put hickeys on mine hehe' jihoon said giggling





Ahuh lol

I don't know what's the meaning of this chapter but yeah okay haha huh what HAHAHA

Okay that's it I'm sorry

Sorry for error wrong words sentence  it's typo's fault not my fingers 🙂

And I think I'm not going to write another chapter again cause I need to rest I have so many works to do yah know our school is so strick so I need to study hard my math exam is officially on Monday after that is our Science exam so I need to review everything I'm sorry but maybe 1 week or 2 weeks of break☹️✨

(Math suck)

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