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Days past I think this will literally the best day that jihoon ever had,everyday jihoon will go to Hyunsuk apartment,even tho Hyunsuk doesn't want him to go he will go well what we expected to Park Jihoon right,and he even ask Hyunsuk to give the second key of his house so jihoon can go whenever and whatever he want seems like Hyunsuk really trust jihoon.


Hyunsuk back at his appartment now in right time as he finished all his work and finally will have long break after a straight lack of sleep and eat,he wish he will not be able to work again but sadly his break only have one week,a week of break but he can imagine how he manage to take that break for long and relaxing days

Hyunsuk went inside his house feeling the smell of something spicy and salty but smell fresh and delicious,he went closer to the kitchen place and sneak who was the person who was murmuring and dancing while cooking,he sighed in relief when he saw Jihoon looking fine as fuck with his plain white shirt and trucks with his bare and fresh beautiful face wearing his black channel open slippers 'hot' he thought

Hyunsuk stop with his thoughts when he notice jihoon face was inches to his face and any time Jihoon can take a kiss from him so he shookt his head and face palm his mouth who wide open cause jihoon just give him his eye smile with full of love and sincerity

'what?' Hyunsuk ask

'nothing,uhm y-you just look so tight,so fucking tight on your look right now ha,ha,haha' he said

'ah o-okay you too you look hot as- I mean you look good at you look right now,uhm btw what you're cooking ?' Hyunsuk said nevously getting an idea to change the topic

'hmm,I'm cooking tteokboki and kimchi chew I was thinking if I could cook so you can eat me- eat when you are already home' jihoon said smirking

'WHAT?!!' Hyunsuk let out at what jihoon said but just smile and give jihoon a gaze

'lets eat,hmm this is good for sure' he said giving the smaller a wink and smile

'let see hmm' the smaller said smirking himself


They finish eating when an idea pop in jihoon head again to filled the awkwardness between them yes since they start eating awkwardness filled in Hyunsuk's appartment that cause the two male' bored

Jihoon decided to ask Hyunsuk alot of things that comes to his mind, Hyunsuk just answer all and let jihoon win this time but Jihoon being to much,let me say yes he likes when Jihoon being clingy to him just to get the answer he want but he can help but worry about what Jihoon will do next

The play between them became deeper until jihoon ask the smaller the point why he recommended this play

'uhm hyung,you said you still love me right,ahm did you mean it???' the younger ask

The silent stilled as Hyunsuk didn't speak and look at jihoon straightly

'hyung I'm asking you,did you mean it??' jihoon once ask but Hyunsuk just hummed and sit up from his sit and walk to jihoon ask he hold the younger' neck and kiss him passionately

Jihoon was shock on sudden kiss of the older but accept and kiss the older' back,the older ask for him to explore jihoon mouth as the younger accept and taste the older'

They stayed like that until the older pulled away and apologize on what he just did awhile ago,they look at each other like they want to do it again

The look stay in as jihoon sit up and kiss the older,the unexpected kiss turn into chaste kiss filled with missed and love to each other as they explore each other mouth like this is the last time...


I don't want the next chapter 😳✨
(Re-publish;I don't want my story either)

Mind if there's an error 😃👍

K bye.

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