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A late night walk

I was walking at the park alone mercerizing the cold and fresh air coming from the big and tall trees all over there

It's so peaceful and relaxing that I wish I was here everyday

But I suddenly remembered my wife and son

Why did I leave in our house to work here?

But maybe I just need some fresh air


Back before I was here is we're me and my lover broke up

It was a cool break up for the both of us

A healthy relationship of course deserve a healthy break up

Not toxic

But cool

We even ate some street food

And brought some different flavors of ice cream

Before we proceed to breaking up

Cool right?

But it's still hurt

But maybe in another life time?

Yeah maybe...


Wow such a good feeling having here again

A weird feeling actually

I want to shout how much I miss the person I'm thinking Everytime I'm going in this place but the words were stuck in my throat

And then a weird air touch my bare skin

It's not as relaxing as earlier

It was cold as Ice that you'll shiver in coldness

And then a weird feeling again

I stop walking and sneak out


There's no people

It's just me


I began walking until I reach the convenience store

It was still open due in this time

I remember leaving the house at 12:45 I'm pretty sure it's already 2 in the morning now

But why?

Well I'm not that shocked to know that there's alot of convenience store who still open until now but not here

MOON🐷🐼🌕 // Sukhoon [✓]Where stories live. Discover now