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Hyunsuk's POV

I can believe this guy it's already 1 hour since he came but until now he's still here and doing what he want,I swear if this guy didn't leave now I will confront him

I was going to speak when he said something that I don't really like

'so suk,do you still like me?' he ask

'what the heck are you out of your mind to think about that' I said rudely

'hmmm well long time ago you said you like me because I was too cut to handle aren't you said that?' the guy ask

'fuck up Hyojin it was a dare' I said loudly that cause him to laugh hard

'oh I see' he said continue laughing

Way back the time me,Yoonbin, Jihoon,byoungun,Hyojin and Jinyoung are very close friends cause our parents are business partners when Jinyoung and Byoungun decided to go in the States cause their parents will invest there so they need to go with them meanwhile me, jihoon, Yoonbin and Hyojin are hanging out when we think about playing truth or dare at first Jihoon was the one who will pick if truth or dare then he pick truth

'do jihoon hyung truth or dare' Hyojin ask

'ill choose truth' he said while looking at me suspiciously

'if you will pick one person in our school who do you want to date and why?' Hyojin ask excitedly,jihoon just stare at me but I choose to look away

'actually there's only one person in my mind right now and I don't think I can you now but he is a boy's jihoon said, Hyojin mouth wide open but Yoonbin just laughed awkwardly

'yah come on hyung tell us' Yoonbin said

'i think I don't need to tell you cause he's here' jihoon let out looking at me when Hyojin look at jihoon way Hyojin just found out who was jihoon talking about and literally it's me

'oh okay- I'm going to comfort room wait me here' Hyojin said sitting up

The atmosphere was silent when Yoonbin speak and clear his throat

'ehem so what's now how about you Hyunsuk hyung truth or dare' Yoonbin ask looking at me

'ill choose dare' I said looking at jihoon who look at me surprised

'dare huh,okay tell Hyojin that you like him and he's so cute' Yoonbin said looking at me smiling widely

'what' jihoon said who stare at Yoonbin

'o-okay I tell him later' I said looking down

Time fast Hyojin finally back without even realizing that Hyunsuk finally done

'so who's next?' Hyojin ask

'its me' I said,well I said it's me cause this is only way to tell him the dare

'okay so truth or dare' Yoonbin said trying not to laugh

'truth' I said as fast I can looking away at jihoon's gaze

'about you Hyunsuk hyung can you tell us who do you like and prefer to date' Yoonbin said

I look at jihoon and saw him giving me a powerful gaze anger show to his precious eyes

'uhm the truth is I like... Hyojin' I said looking at Hyojin

Hyojin was shocked as fuck,he didn't know how to react and what to say on my sudden confession now I'm looking at jihoon,jihoon could take his patients he sit up and leave the appartment he even loud bang the door that shocked us

'btw Hyunsuk hyung,Yoonbin hyung said you and Jihoon hyung have something like you know ehe' Hyojin said

'ya know jin this is not the right time to tease me,I was about to play my favorite song but you ruin it now I'm not in a mood to play a song,so better leave now you've been here for almost an hour,I think you need to leave now' I said dragging Hyojin through the door

'yah hyung what now I want to stay here just 1 more hour please' he said trying to let go from my grip

'yah I said-' I open the door when a tall black haired guy cought in front of me and Hyojin who was smiling like a crazy

'hi hyung' Hyojin said

'what the fuck Hyojin' I said facing the smiling Hyojin right in front of me



Sike HAHA🤡im done doing all my school works and I don't think I need to rest and have a hiatus right now cause thanks to j-line i did all my school works today but I still have another school works to do tomorrow but don't worry (if) I will do it tomorrow and past the next day which is Wednesday 🤭

Look I didn't eat the whole day nor sleep until now hehe my phone seducing me😭

Okay that's it bye.

(Re-publish still thinking why did I put Hyojin here like it's so random)

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