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Walking down to aisle and having a child is one of my dream before,having a wife and children is Normal to us'man' but since I met the love of my life I don't think I still could walk to aisle and smiling to my wife cause i will wait for my love of my life there at the altar, crying while smiling on how beautiful my husband is and you know which is he,of course none other than my love,my everything my light and my moon Choi Hyunsuk

Wait for the right time until you find your own moon that will shine together with your stars,just wait for someone who will give everything to you just to make you feel comfy and special because life is just a moon,will hide for the mean time but there if you need a comfort and light



-hey are you ready I'm here, they're already waiting

-when will you come?


-hey answer me


-baby you're late,where are you


-answer my call please

-where are you park Jihoon

-baby they're worried where are you?

-park jihoon answer me

It has a lot but not any of them I answer I don't know but I don't want to go there,I love him but I'm not ready,I love him but I don't want to be there,I love him but I don't know why I don't want to face him

I feel sorry for not attending but I didn't regret not coming there,I choose what I want but I'm guilty for not attending

Now I'm thinking what is he doing,maybe he was crying or maybe he run off too

I can't think right now,I diss my own wedding no I didn't come to my own wedding and I don't know why

I was here sitting on our bed when the door open revealing a drunk Hyunsuk

Hey jihoon haha you're here,I thought you leave me

He said lying on our bed and went silent for minutes and speak again

y-y-you know I embarrassed there it's embarrassing cause my future husband didn't come to our own wedding haha,I remember when he kneeled down to me a month ago and then now he will not come to our wedding haha how pathetic I am to diss my wedding and find my future husband in the street and place we went to just to ask him why is he late,even my mom told me to wait him but I didn't haha you know why, you I'll tell you this,if you have a boyfriend and kneel down to you too don't accept his proposal cause he will not come to your wedding day just like what my lovely boyfriend did haha I wonder where he is now,maybe having fun with some girls at the bar I don't care and if if he'll explain tome I will promise to myself I will not listen to him nor accept him again,tsk there's alot of girls and boys like me this day of maybe I will back to my Trisha why not right


Hmmm,you callin' me

You know maybe your future husband has a reason why he didn't attend to your wedding

aishhh i don't care now,all I know was he didn't come and he will not come again cause i-i... don't love him any-

He didn't finish when he cried

What!why I'm crying I don't want to cry over that dumbass,I need to go back to the bar,maybe the girls in my table was finding me now bye

He said lying up but I hold his hand

No don't go anywhere please,stay here,don't leave me,stay here just stay here please

I said

Wait,your weirdo,I didn't know you tho why are you pleading

I hugged him

Just stay here please, Hyunsuk ahhh baby

He let go

Hey only jihoon call me baby,how dare you

But I hugged him again

Please stay here

You're weirdo


A minute has past but he didn't break the hug,I break the hug only to see Hyunsuk sleeping tightly

I layed him on the bed and put the blanket on him after I fix his position,I layed besides him and cares his soft hair

Im sorry if just you know what I did it,maybe you're this mad at me,I'm sorry baby,I know if you know what the real reason what I did that you will be the happiest man in this world cause I did that I love you,you know that

I said


Hyunsuk was aware he fully aware what he was doing,he is not drunk nor he didn't go to bar and hang out with girls there,he know what is he doing and once he enter the room he know that the one was sitting there was Jihoon,and he know what he was saying for the whole time and you know what he know

He knows what jihoon said when he was caressing the elders hair and that hit Hyunsuk head for thinking to much


So love it,nah???

What do you think is the reason why Jihoon didn't come to their wedding?

Re-publish; wedding?what the hell,I'm confused but still I'm not going to read it

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