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'appa' Hajun shouted as he run from his mother to me

'Hajunah' I said giving him an open arms

'appa,look I passed the exam I got all the answers right' he said giving me the papers on his hand with a big a+ mark on it

'wahhh Hajunahhh you're so good' I compliment my son and hug him

'ehem' a voice interapt

Hajun and I look up only to see Luna standing there both hands on her both side

'oh eomma look jelous because we didn't include her' Hajun and I Chuckles

'is that right,baby eomma is jelous' I said and carefully put Hajun to the other side and walk towards Luna hugging her

She hugged me back as I rubbed her back I was shocked when two little hand hugged my feet

'oh our little Hajun want some hugs from mom and dad too' Luna said

'm-mum and da-d?' he inocently ask

'oh mom and dad means,eomma and appa pretty right' I said

'not as pretty as m-mom' he gigle

'hmmm our Hajun isn't little anymore' Luna said while pinching

'daddd taught me' Hajun said as I shook my head

'what no,hmp Hajun baby' I said

They gigle,I handed Hajun to Luna as they play and gigle I watched Luna as she's pinching Hajun cute cheeks,while I'm staring at her I feel like I'm complete,I feel like I'm on the right side this time,I feel like I'm home

'daddd let's go' I snapped and casually nodded


'hi sweetie,mommy will left for the mean time okay for now appa will take care of you' Luna said while hugging Hajun

'eommaaa,where are you going'

'eomma will go somewhere but I promise to be back in time okay'

Hajun hummed in response and hug his mom on the neck

'ehem how 'bout me?,don't you want to hug me too' I said

'look eomma appa is jelous' he gigle

'no I'm not' Luna just gave me her hand and hug me,I hugged her back leaving Hajun pouty sitting on his bed

'hun take care of Hajun okay' I hummed while nodding

'dont forget to read him a story every night' I nodded

'if you're going to give him a cereal in the morning make sure the-' I cut her off ' make sure the milk is fresh and warm,also crack the cereal into small pieces so he can't shoke' I said

'good,don't do what you did a year ago,he might die,I telling you,I'll divorce you in something bad haven't she said and I shook my head,I saw Hajun laughing but he's holding his mouth so we can't hear him but I glare at him and he shook his head 'such a cutie' I thought

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