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It was 6 in the morning when Jihoon wake up,he lift his head to the side to saw a sleeping angel besides him 'such an angel' he thought

Jihoon wake up trying his best not to wake the older'up,he went to the older kitchen and find some ingredients to cook some food 'why there no galgasuk and sujebi ingredients here?!' he ask himself 'oh I forgot he doesn't like it whoa park Jihoon how irritated you are


Hyunsuk wake up smelling something really good he went straight to the kitchen and saw Jihoon Half naked while cooking,he hide in the corner and wrapped his eyes with his two hands (🙈)

Jihoon realized someone was sneaking behind him as he stop what he's doing and searched who is it

Hyunsuk still hiding there giggling not realizing someone was in front of him and obviously it's jihoon

'what are you hiding there' jihoon ask sarcastically iving the older shiver in shocked

'a-ah I w-was going t-to go in the bathroom b-but you suddenly was in front o-f me' the older stuttered

'bathroom? The bathroom was there you walk in the wrong way and why are you so nervous' jihoon nonchalantly said while leaning his face inches away to the older's face

'a-ah r-right haha you're right the bathroom was there b-bye' I'm going now' the older said while trying to skip but the younger hold his waist and lean his two hand to the wall facing the older

'what are you doing,do you think you can skip to me' the younger nonchalantly said the older but his lip in nervousness and look at younger's face down to his broad chest and revealing his 6 pack abs

Jihoon followed the older's eyes until he look at what older's looking he chuckled and lean his face even more near to the older face,the older was shocked once again but stay calm and put his hand on the younger's chest

'i-' the older was cut off when the younger steal a kiss from him

'do you want to continue what our doing last night,you look tight baby,so tight' jihoon said leaning a kiss from older pinkish soft lips when the older squat off and skip

'dont forget to prefer our breakfast,I'm just going wash bye' he said running,the younger just chuckles on how cute the older look earlier


'oh my God why I'm blushing this much,no no I need to wash now this is not right agh park jihoon you make my cheeks so red like a tomato agh' he said while squishing his own cheeks and giggling,he's inlove so inlove


It was now afternoon but Jihoon still in Hyunsuk's appartment he even take a bath there and wore Hyunsuk clothes even tho his appartment is just in the next door like he don't want to let go of Hyunsuk,don't ask me if he ask Hyunsuk to shower with him even tho Hyunsuk already take a bath

A long day with the two lovely dovey who seems so inlove and fine with their lives

They're now watching some movies in the living room when Jihoon hand being clingy again I don't know but he likes holding Hyunsuk's in any part of his body

Hyunsuk and Jihoon stay calm until Hyunsuk fell asleep besides jihoon and accidentally lean his head to the younger shoulder,he wake up when he bumd in and stayed like nothing happened,but Jihoon drag him and let Hyunsuk lay on his tighs and patted softly his hand so Hyunsuk could sleep fast


As movie was already finish jihoon look at Hyunsuk who is now sleeping tightly hugging younger's left arm 'cutie' he thought as he held the older softly and lift him up and carry him like a bridal to lay him onto the bed

Jihoon layed the older softly in the bed and stared at him like the world defends him, lemme say like Hyunsuk is his world 'i love you' he whispered softly not until the older move and hug the younger besides him,jihoon hug him back and closed his eyes sign that he will sleep with his baby.


So yeah hi HAHAHA look i was giggling so much while writing this like every sentence I stop cause I'm screaming and just wanna share this will be my favorite chapter,well who knows maybe I'll write more moment like this UwU🙈✨

Mind if there's an error

Re-publish; favorite chapter? Wait what's wrong with me?

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