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Shine thought the lights,I only know lights thought the moon


jihoon POV

I'm walking with Danny through the doorway when a girl suddenly appear holding Hyunsuk's bare hand 'like WTF who the hell are you to hold what mine' I thought

'Ryu-ryujin' Hyunsuk said nervously looking at me 'so she is ryujin huh' I thought looking back at him

'yeah babe,you text me earlier to meet here so we can hangout just like before,did you miss me cause I miss you alot really' that ryujin girl said

'y-yeah I miss you too' Hyunsuk said 'WHAT,IS HE MEAN IT,NO HE DOESN'T MEAN IT I SWEAR' I thought

'oh really then what are we doing here let's go,I'm hungry' she said 'then eat by yourself asshole' I thought rolling my eyes

'sure' Hyunsuk said 'WHAT REALLY ARE YOU GOING TO LEAVE ME HERE LIKE HUH?' i thought I can think right now like they back together and here I am.


Hyunsuk POV

'ah Ryujinah' I said she just hummed and keep walking I stop walking and-

'what are you doing' I ask her,she stop Walking and face me

'why? Haha' she said continue walking,I can't walk until he held my hand 'yah come on,I thought your hungry' he said

'no,I'm not,i-im not going with you' I said letting go of her hand

'hyunsukie I know you don't love me and you just I just want to be with you now for the...' she said letting out a breath

'for the?' I ask 'for the last time sukkie,in the next day I'm going to Paris and continue studying there's she said and stop Walking facing me now crying

'wait ryujinah,don't cry I don't want to see you crying' I said hugging her tightly.

The fact I didn't text Ryujin earlier maybe she just said that I texted her so she can be with me but I fell bad for her,she's going to Paris,I know I don't have any feelings for her but seeing her cry in front of me make my heart break into pieces.


Hyunsuk and Ryujin are walking in the road going to a fancy restaurant as they celebrate their 3 anniversary which make them giggle on how cute there memories in the fast few years but this feel strange in the next day after celebrating their anniversary Ryujin called Hyunsuk.

'Sukkie' Ryujin spoke, Hyunsuk just hummed in excitement

'I have something to tell you' Hyunsuk heart beat so fast for how Ryujin tone are 'w-what' he shutterd

'lets Break up' Ryujin said crying 'w-what' Ryujin keep crying until Hyunsuk break the call.

After Hyunsuk and Ryujin break up they didn't even talk to each other or get any closer even tho Ryujin want to tell Hyunsuk why she broke up with him,she can't ,she just can't.

Hyunsuk mom know why Ryujin broke up with her Son but Hyunsuk keep giving a shit to not talk about so until now he doesn't know why Ryujin broke up with him.



Jihoon's POV

I saw them(Hyunsuk and Ryujin) walking past by the store I don't know why I'm following them but I'm not feeling well,I saw Hyunsuk stop walking and started talking,I watched them talking to each other when suddenly that Ryujin cry and Hyunsuk hug her.

'Hyunsuk why?' I thought

Hyunsuk still hugging Ryujin and I can resist it 'i need to run there and break them apart' I thought 'no Hyunsuk could be mad at me if I interapt them,but I can handle seeing them hugging there's I thought ones again.

I turn were Hyunsuk and Ryujin where's but I found no one 'what? Did Hyunsuk and Ryujin skip to me,agh CHOI HYUNSUK' I thought when a arm held mine

'he,who you sneaking at' I turn and I saw 'hyunsukie'



I didn't read it, sorry for words error Ang typos

|Today's date:03/23/21|

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