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I may not be the first one but I promise to be your last one


' so your telling me that I'm not supposed to get jelous huh?'

I said as u hung up the call

'That dummy little cute Smurf saying iam not suppose to get jelous when all i heard today was him with that flirty girl in his Instagram post last time,IAM suppose to relax here,tsk I swear if I'll saw that girl today agh'

I let out while typing my secretary's number on my phone call of course to call him to buy ingredients for those people who was clingy to my boyfriend


'o-okay chill hyung,what ingredients I mean what you're going to cook?'

'JUST BUY INGREDIENTS,BUY ALL INGREDIENTS FOR MENU I DONT CARE...and oh don't forget the chilli powder okay,bye'

I hung up again the call and smirk linger on my face


'yah park Jihoon,I'm your secretary but I'm also your friend,what are you going to do with this,agh if I were you,I'll just buy ingredients for one menu and save my money tsk' the other said

'can you please stop just help me here' the latter said

'and whats with that chilli powder, Hyunsuk doesn't want that nor you'

'i said stop,help me or else-'

'or else what huh?!, aishhh park Jihoon I know you and I know what running to your mind right now and I know that Hyunsuk business partners will go here to eat so you ask me to buy this and I also know that...' he smirked

'WHAT?!' jihoon ask pissed

'i know you'll going to put that chilli powder so they will-ahhhhh park Jihoon....let go'

'what this?'

A voice suddenly came out

The two look where's the voice came when they saw Hyunsuk with his plainted jacks on his hand together with his car key and phone

'what,are you just going to look at me?' he ask nonchalantly

'w-what are you doing here?' jihoon ask

'why?don't tell me you don't want me here,this is my house too,and hey junkyu' the smaller let out putting down his things to the table and look at the ingredients jungu brought earlier

'hey sukkie,whats up haha,I'm just going to bathroom,ba-bye' junkyu was nervous to see Hyunsuk there,what if Hyunsuk know about jihoon's plan,gosh he was afraid

'no uhm I thought you'd come back home later together with your ahm who is,I mean with your business partners yeah with them right?' jihoon was panicking while letting what he want to said

'oum yeah and about the food,no need to worry about I brought a food it will come a minute' Hyunsuk again nonchalantly said looking straight at the younger

'okay I'm gonna go upstairs to shower and change some comfortable shirts,go up if you want, bye' the elder said kissing the younger's cheeks

And now Jihoon was froze there,he didn't know what to do till he realized what the elder said and walk towards the stairs and start running

'hey where are you going I thought you're going to cook' again junkyu interapt

'you know junkyu we don't need to,go clean those okay we'll be right' jihoon said

'wait what?! Hey'

'i will back later take care here,wait for the visitors thank you' jihoon was now shouting for junkyu to hear him


Actually this past few weeks I don't don't what I'm writing:)

I'm asking myself is this the story I start before?

Did I changed it?

Did my mind changed?

And actually again it's my first time writing a kind of ff like this just you know 'boys with boys like bl' 

Back 2 years ago I'm writing a ff also but I prefer the girls with boys ship:)

But I don't feel like shipping boys to girls now lmao

And so okay let's stop here bye
Hope you like it
Mind if there's an error

MOON🐷🐼🌕 // Sukhoon [✓]Where stories live. Discover now