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Lights from moon Is nothing to describe but beautiful


Hyunsuk POV

It was Saturday in the morning and now I'm sitting on our school library since I have Saturday class together with jeongwoo and Mashiho.

I was thinking about what happened yesterday and it's give me an headache,I don't know who was the girlfriend I'm talking about and what I'm going to do next because if jihoon finds out that I don't really have a girlfriend he's going to messed up with me again just like what he did yesterday and I hate it,it's give me heart attack.

I was now in the middle of my thoughts when Jeongwoo and Mashiho appears.

'hyung?!' said jeongwoo I just hummed

'hyung I told Junkyu last night what Happened to you and that park jihoon' said mashiho bringing out his book

'WHAT?' I said

'i told Junkyu what happened, since he ask me and he said he considered me a friend so I can resist I told him,he's so cute' mashiho said chuckling

'but mashiho, Junkyu and Haruto are together right?' ask jeongwoo

'yeah but it's complicated they doesn't even know if they're together or not all they know is they're flirting and saying I love you, goodnight, good morning blah blah blah' mashiho said rolling his eyes

'so you mean no label huh?' ask jeongwoo

'maybe' Mashiho said

I just froze there while they're talking until my eyes reach for a guy wearing white shirt, loose tracks,messy hair with his sports bag and A two guy behind him.


'yah park Jihoon weren't going to canteen I thought were going to canteen and eat' Kim Junkyu said pouting

'Junkyu shi stop pouting you're not even cute' that deep voice and tall guy known as Haruto said poking Junkyu's nose

'shut up' junkyu said letting go of haruto's grip

'hi Smurf, where's your girlfriend I thought you have a girlfriend where she is huh?' jihoon ask me

I can speak and I was nervously dieing inside but I stay calm even my heart was beating so fast

'you Don't care' I said nonchalantly not giving a glance to jihoon and if I would fuck up now

'yah' he hold my chin and said 'wheres your girlfriend Choi Hyunsuk I want to meet and talk with her' he said sweetly and I can't help but stare at him and and memorize his face,I can't move his face is inch apart from my face 'Yah Smurf are you not gonna speak or I'll kiss you' he said smirk appear on his beautiful and face

I let go of his hand and said 'shes not here,she has a different School and you don't care about her and me so stop asking like you care' I said clearing my throat

'ehem' jeongwoo and Mashiho cleared their throat

'come on hyung,we still have academics now,we're doing to late' jeongwoo said finally thanks to him I can't runaway to jihoon

'yeah hyung I thought were going to ryujin' mashiho said that clenched my stomach

' what now mashiho I want to get out of here' I thought

' mashiho you're so loud' jeongwoo said

'wait,who's ryujin'ask Junkyu

'maybe Hyunsuk's girlfriend' Haruto said 'lets go Junkyu hyung in hungry' Haruto said continue walking with Haruto

'ill see you mashi in science class later,bye' junkyu said mashi just hummed and smile

'i stay froze there while jeongwoo and Mashiho is trying to skip

'where are you two going' I said angrily,they just stop but jeongwoo doesn't want to stay so he just said 'were going to our English subject,we have English class today hyung' mashiho nodded and I just hummed 'hmmm I'm going with you' I said but a hand grab my wrist

'What?' I said

'stay here's he said sweetly and begging,I swear I don't want to stay but my mind keep saying stay there and my heart keep beating so much

i sit again and now focusing on my book while he was staring at me with his pleading look

'i know you don't have a girlfriend,I searched it's he said playing my hair


'that ryujin girl your talking about is your ex girlfriend right' I can't answer his questions so he just continue speaking 'dont tell me you want to come back to her' he ask ones again

'and if yes, why'd you care' I said rudely making his face sadly and pouty 'i think I answered wrong,why his face turn like that's I thought

'Choi Hyunsuk don't you know me?' he ask sadly,I don't know what his talking about but I think he has a point asking those shit questions

'what?' I said 'you stole my first kiss before and you still don't know who iam talking about' he said tears falling down to his glossy cheeks

'what,hey don't cry' I said as I swiped his tears and now I am holding his soft cheeks,he just held my hand using his left hand and his right hand is on my cheeks 'Danny you're so cute' he said giggling

i let go of his cheeks and say sorry and was going to leave when he hold my wrist and speak 'are you going to leave me again just like before' he said desperately

'w-what?no' I said and he just nodded


Jihoon is my childhood friend my parents are relative about business due to their busy schedule me and Jihoon are always together like every day

'danny?' 9 years old jihoon shout and sit beside me

'what now jihoonnie I don't want to play' I said

'im not going to ask you play dumbass'he said

'your language ji' I said

'sorry' he said while pouting,I found him cute so I peck him and he just froze I realized what I did so I stand up

'sorry,I didn't mean to kiss you ji,I'm leaving' I said he still froze so he didn't have a chance to talk tome and says it's okay

'i leave him there and I don't want to comeback'i thought,I reach our house and now I'm not feeling well because my mom and dad have a laugage pack with alot of clothes

'oh Danny your here,Are you done talking to jihoon were going to leave anytime my mom said

'w-what?leave!where are we going?' I ask them but they didn't answer 'dont ask to much okay let's go' dad said



I didn't read it so sorry for wrong words and sentence

|today's date:03/23/21|

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