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Bichi naneun solo~

I'm going solo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo

I'm going solo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo

Use to be your girl,now use to be your go---

Luna was minding her business singing and dancing around when her phone interapt her

'hello? Who is this?'

'yes hello Miss is this Park Luna?' a voice called out

'yes IAM why?,how may I help you?' she ask

'oh no,this is Secretary Yuna of Build House Company,a contact call me about you finding a place to live for, actually I have an offer if you want you can go tommorow?'

'oh is that so, really tommorow can I ask who is this contact?'

'sorry Miss but he is such a private person-'


'yess Miss,if you want to meet the owner you can go to Gangnam tommorow morning at exact time of 9 am to meet and talk to the owner and if you're wondering who is he,he is Park Jihoon'

'Park jihoon?,same family name,but are you sure that the owner is going to sell the house?'

'Yes Miss'

'okay sure but,can you at least say the family name of this contract your saying or at least thanks to him for me?'

'sure I would say thanks to him for you but I'm sorry Miss I couldn't say the name or even the family name'

'no it's okay,I understand thank you'

'thank you too Miss, tommorow at 9 am'

'thats not a problem'


And then she hang up,Luna couldn't help but think who is this contract she's talking about but thankful to this man at least now she has a place to live

In thinking Luna forgot that she was practically enjoying the music and didn't realize the song change but didn't care and enjoy it instead

All my love is gone-a-a-a-an

All my love is gone

Now your dead and gone


Morning came and Luna is preparing for her meet with said Park Jihoon owner of the house recommend by the girl who call her yesterday

'looks good' she said checking herself at the mirror satisfied

At the times go by Luna reach the house

It was a huge by simple house,she was wondering how many people live there before

But before he could say anything a girl came up and greet her allowing her to go inside as she did and thanks

As she saw a man standing at the rare huge  window wearing a black pants a white loong sleeves top and his suit was on the chair besides him with his hand on his pocket

'maybe this this Park Jihoon she talking about' she taught

'excuse me Mister,Park Jihoon right?' he heard a chuckle

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