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Dear lord,

Can I have Hyunsuk as my husband cause I don't think there's anyone will be?!!:)



Hyunsuk and Yoonbin goes to a new open coffee shop near to there school,as of now they're walking around the park it's already dark outside.

'Sukkie?' Yoonbin ask staring at Hyunsuk and the smaller just hummed for response

'can I ask if jihoon and you are,ya know? The taller ask but the smaller keep walking with calm but deep inside he's dieing

'sukkie, answer me' the taller stop Walking and hold the bare hand of the smaller

The smaller can't keep his feelings right now and cry,the taller was shocked on sudden change of the taller's behavior but he was sure now he and Jihoon are together but the latter didn't said to the smaller what is between them (the brunette,Sheela)

'shushhhh it's okay sukkie' the taller said patting the smaller's shoulder he was thinking if he could hug the smaller so the smaller can lean to his chest but he was afraid


After a minute of crying the smaller spoke and hug the taller

'why bin!!!,why he didn't told me about Sheela,why he keep keeping about them,why?!!' the smaller let out didn't know if he's crying because his face is on the taller's chest

'shushhhh sukkie,stop crying to that asshole,he doesn't deserve you, you're too perfect for him,you deserve better than him okay don't cry, you're just wasting your tears for someone that doesn't deserve it and it's wrong very wrong' the taller let out that cause the smaller stop crying and face him

'thanks bin' the taller nod 'thanks because you're always here to comfort me, thank you so much until now you're the one who I comfortable with ,thank you bin I love you' the smaller said
Tge taller didn't expect Hyunsuk to say what he just said earlier but he was sure he herd it right


'Sukkie' The taller shout while waving his right hand once he saw the smaller

'Bin' the smaller response 'wait me at room' the smaller let out his friends just nodded faintly

'I think Hyunsuk hyung found his new happy pill now' Doyoung said

'no he meet his old friend' junkyu let out walking through their room

'WHAT?' ask Doyoung,junghwan and Haruto


Junkyu,Jaehyuk and Hyunsuk are the oldest friend,it's already 8 years of there friendship and still counting,the two knows what happened to Hyunsuk in whole 8 years


'sukkie did you sleep well last night?' the taller ask

'hmmm of course I'm with my friends' the smaller said staring straight to the taller

'oh I see,want some Walk we still have an hour 'till our class' the taller ask once again

'hmm sure but now let's go to the library I want to give back this book to the librarian' the smaller said looking at the book he's holding

'uhm sure'


They walk out the library with the smile creep to their faces.When Hyunsuk saw Jihoon walking with his friends and Sheela who's busy with her phone,as jihoon saw Hyunsuk the latter hold the brunette's hand

MOON🐷🐼🌕 // Sukhoon [✓]Where stories live. Discover now