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Destined isn't the reason why love exist,it's us the one who's loving and falling,being in love doesn't mean to surrender or to survive it's called inspiration and delusion.


5 Years After

No one's POV

Jihoon is working at his office when the door open revealing Sheela who dress up in to a beautiful dress with her light sandal and light make up wearing her glamorous necklace and Chanel bag

'oh Sheela your here what's up, anything wrong?' jihoon ask letting his paperwork on the side

'no I just visited Yoshi here well it's been a long time since we hangout, because you always giving him a work so now he have no quality time with his girlfriend' Sheela said while laughing

Wondering why Sheela and Yoshi are together,5 years ago Sheela decided to study in Paris when Jihoon confess to his parents about him and Hyunsuk but too late,about them two,Sheela and Yoshi are close friends even before they develop each other Feelings,3 years since Sheela back to Korea Yoshi confess his feelings right away in front of Sheela's parents which is Sheela confess her's too.
They already living in one appartment brought by Yoshi's own money from working even tho Yoshi's parents are the richest among them 6 especially in Japan who own alot of brances and buildings but still Yoshi decided to work on Jihoon's own company to prove to sheela's parents that he can work for there future.

'oh b-babe your here,huh what are you doing here,uhm do you need something?' Yoshi ask

'wow don't you want to see me,why are you acting so nervous' Sheela tease

'hmm well we plan to go in one bar near to my new condo and have fun but..' jihoon said looking at Yoshi

'but I came,so this is what you text me earlier huh you said you have a meeting with new investor's but you'll just going to a bar' Sheela teased again looking at Yoshi

'oh Jihoon your new condo you said earlier your going to call others for welcoming party?' Yoshi just changed the topic that cause the two chuckles

'what I didn't said that and welcoming what who's the one we're going to welcome?' jihoon ask confused

'ah I mean welcoming because y-you have a new condo appartment and you know just like that' 'yeah Yoshi is right' Sheela and Yoshi said nervously

'something suspicious huh' jihoon let out


Sheela now in the parking lot of the building calling her friends to meet at the airport that's why she dress like she was the most beautiful girl there.

'oh girl where are you,I'm coming to airport now wait me there I already called others to welcome you and they said they'd come' the brunette said smiling opening her car

'oh I'm already outside the plane,I'm looking for someone to came up because he said he is already here but nothing he wasn't here' the boy in the other call said

'oh girl com'on just wait maybe he go somewhere else maybe in the bathroom or the food stole outside just wait there don't come anywhere or else..'

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