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that was the line he said before he left,yeah he already gone

Unexpectedly but I think it's alright

He can rest now

He's  already free from this toxic world

And I think is my time to leave too

But I rather stay here for him

He died for me,so I will stay and live for him

He sacrifice all for me and I will do my best just to give the 'JUSTICE' for him


Hey baby are you done?' he ask me

'yeah I'm done,just wait me in the car' I said too

'okay' he last response

'baby wanna go to talk later after our appointment?' he cut the comfortable silent between us when he ask me if we can go on a walk

'yeah sure' I said

He then took my hand and hold it I look at him and see him smiling while driving looking at the road

I look away and put my head on the window when I saw a layer of flowers

'they're so beautiful' I said in a low tone

'you're more beautiful' he let out,I will like if I tell you I didn't heard that

I smile and look at him

'what do I do if you're not my last' I thought

'stop looking at me your distracting me dummy' he said,I chuckled and look at the road

We don't safe and now we're walking are the side walk when he saw a ice cream tol

'baby I'mma get ice cream for us okay' he said letting go of hand,I stop him that time

He look at me in confused as I look at him in worries

I don't know why I look at him like that and why I stop him,like he was just go buy ice cream but why I'm feeling like this

'what baby?' he ask

'dont go,I'll come with you' I said

He hold my both hand and look at me in amusement

'baby it's okay,I'll just go get an ice cream and we'll go home after hmm' he said caressing my hand

MOON🐷🐼🌕 // Sukhoon [✓]Where stories live. Discover now