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I'm not elegant like JULIET to have you as my ROMEO
I'm not brave like ROSE to have you as my JACK
I'm not hardworking like CINDERELLA to have you as my PRINCE
I'm not your MOON to give you a shine whenever you're ALONE
But I can be your TINKERBELL That'll always  here to love and protect you until you find your WENDY


Jihoon's POV

I'm now walking with So Junghwan when I heard a angelic laugh next to our room which is Hyunsuk and Soobin's room.

'why are they laughing at' I thought 'jihoonie hyung?hyung?' junghwan called

'huh,why?' I respond

'lets come inside' he said

'sure you can come inside I'm going to buy our snacks so stay inside and wait for me huh'i said giving him my eye smile 'really okay I'll wait,and hyung I'm sorry but don't forget my glazed donut, Hyunsuk hyung always buying me those donuts so buy for me too, thanks'he said getting in 'agh what a big baby' I thought

I leaned my head to their door room and listen to what they saying. 'ah HAHA soobinnie your so funny and sweet, I'd rather stay with you forever then HAHA' I heard 'i swear Choi Hyunsuk,I swear I'm going to tear you up I swear' I thought when suddenly the door open revealing one and only Hyunsuk

'what are you doing here,that's sneaking I'll report you' Hyunsuk said

'no,no Smurf no please I just heard you laughing actually I'm going to buy junghwan a glazed donut I'm heading now bye' I said leaving Hyunsuk smirking


Hyunsuk's POV

Soobin and I are packing up our things when I ask Soobin about that Choi Yeonjun.

'ah soobin,can I ask you if that's okay' I said he just hummed and nodded

'who is Choi Yeonjun?' I ask nervously

'Yeonjun,ah it's my boyfriend actually' he answered facing me while smiling

'oh,when did you became a boyfriend' I ask once again

'actually...we met in high school before Valentine's day when he gave me an bucket of chocolates and flowers haha' he answer now fixing his things

'and after that...oh I'm sorry I couldn't ask y-' I didn't finish my word when he answer

'after that i ask him a one night stand,but I can Believe myself i fall Inlove with him,I just plan with my friend that I make him fall in love with me and break his heart after I confess that it was a dare,but I didn't imagine that day I fell inlove with Yeonjun' he sighed

'awww that sweet,I think its not coincidence at all, destiny bring you two together' I said smiling

'right but when I said that it was a dare problems hit me,I can't live without him but it all fix now,I confess to him in our grand ball and ask him another one night stand and out know what our teacher were shocked as fuck, because this Choi Soobin who was the pride of our high school ask his boyfriend a one night stand in front of almost 300 people HAHAHA' he said while laughing

'HAHA soobinnie your so funny and sweet,I'd rather stay with you forever then HAHA' I said while laughing

I heard our door being open so I ask Soobin to shush when I open the door I saw Jihoon sneaking out.

'what are you doing here,that's sneaking I'll report you' I said while trying not to laugh on his expression

'no,no Smurf please I-i heard you laughing, actually I'm going to buy junghwan a donut I'm heading now bye' he said nervously as I smirk with his actions

I saw Soobin giving me a suspicious look 'what?' I ask 'noth(burst) nothing'he said



Short update cause it's mashiho's birthday yay


(I don't know what pic would I share with you but btw Happy Birthday Mashiho yay)

Sorry for error,wrong words and sentence it's typo's fault not my fingers 🙂

|Today's date:03/25/21|

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