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'jihoon' a voice called out the drunk boy who's clinging at his friend Yoshi when suddenly he lift up his face to see the one and only

'hyun-hyunsuk' the latter spoke the shocked lift on his face

Jihoon hearts suddenly beat so fast,his posture change as he saw the smaller smiling in front of him face creep with force smile trying his best not to cry on the latters behavior.

After 5 years being far from each other jihoon think Hyunsuk already forgive him,he already saw the smaller his lover,maybe this time Jihoon will grab the opportunity to apologize to him but he don't think Hyunsuk will be back to him just like before maybe Hyunsuk already found his new love who knows right,he has been far for almost 5 years and thinking about 5 Years he was sure Hyunsuk found his new love as of now Jihoon just staring straight with full of love and emotion that just him and Hyunsuk can describe,how he missed the smaller,how much the love back when he heard about the smaller's coming back here,how his heart beat fast when he saw the smaller in front of him until one person calling his name.

'hyung, Hyunsuk hyung?' Yoshi call the latters name

'agh' jihoon yawn opening his eyes revealing a wide and fancy room

'hyung I've been waking you up since earlier but you didn't get up,we're late' Yoshi let out

'where are we, where's Hyunsuk?' the latter ask

'what are you talking about we're here in your apartment and What do you mean by Hyunsuk yah park Jihoon Hyunsuk is not here' Yoshi let out again walking to the walk in closet of the room to pick a clothes

'i saw Hyunsuk,look hyung I saw Hyunsuk last night he hold my hand and my cheeks,he even my wipes my tears' jihoon said getting up to walk where's Yoshi is

'yah Jihoon I told you Hyunsuk is nowhere and wahat are you talking about your just drunk last night I told you not to drink to much but you keep drinking aish wear this you have a morning meeting later,I'm in the kitchen to prepare your breakfast go wash now' Yoshi said giving a suit to jihoon who's now confused about what happened

'but hyung it's true'

'jihoon is just a nightmare okay, Hyunsuk isn't here' Yoshi last said before closing the door

'if it's a nightmare why did you wake me up,I rather sleep forever with him than go on a boring meeting yah why did you close aishhh' jihoon shout giving up but still confused

If it's a nightmare he rather sleep all day just to be with Hyunsuk but why he was feeling it's real,what if Hyunsuk really hold his hand last night what if Hyunsuk really wipes and hold his cheeks what if agh park Jihoon don't you heard Yoshi earlier Hyunsuk is not here,he wasn't going back to you because you're an asshole dumbass and stupid aghhhh


'hyung why are you here aren't you going to rest,you just came from Paris you need to rest,don't worry I'm going to care of him' Yoshi let out putting his suit to bag

'no it's okay I'm not tired and mind me if I'm going to take care of him just now besides the next is my appartment,I'll just wake you up if I'm Decided to take a rest myself' The smaller please

'but hyung what if he wake up and see you,what if-'

'shhh he will not going to wake up this time maybe tommorow but please Yoshi let me take care of him' Hyunsuk once said and Yoshi just agree with it

Jihoonnie I'm sorry,I'm sorry for leaving you,I'm sorry for letting you wait for nothing i was thinking before when I'm still in the paris this time you're already happy but no I'm wrong you still the same,jihoon im sorry to say this but I'm happy now,I came here to persue my dream I came here to right all the things,im back cause I want to face all those years I've been hiding,jihoon I'm sorry to say this but I'm not the person you use to love before I'm different than you know,I'm sorry for not living without me but I can live myself without you,I'm sorry theres no word to say but I'm sorry' Hyunsuk let all out while wiping his tears

'Yah Choi Hyunsuk why did you left me,you didn't even know all and you left me I love you so much but you keep pushing me far from you,you know if I knew where the heck did you go I will run from here to you,yes I will just run haha I love you Smurf' sleeping jihoon said that cause Hyunsuk to cry much more

He didn't expect jihoon will said All of those,maybe this time after hearing those he'll realize that he still love Jihoon,the love that been hiding for a year's will get him realized that it was the same love,he was figuring out how dumb he was for saying that he can live without Jihoon,maybe he meant it but now he wasn't sure.


An stressful chapter I don't think if this chapter is right cause I don't even think any word to write next.

I still have 3 exams coming tomorrow and I don't think I can write this week

What do you think about hiatus?

But I will try to write tomorrow and publish it at night so maybe I can publish another 3 chapter to finish this book cause I have 5 drafts stories and I need to finish all of it

That's it bye

(Re-publish ; exam suck)

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