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Last chapter this month cause I'm on hiatus;))) (I lied Ig so)


Hyunsuk was packing his things when he saw a small picture frame,he look at the frame and smile 'i miss you' he thought until a tears forming to his eyes but manage to wipe it before it'll fall.

Hyunsuk went to kitchen just to find a pack of ramyun (rammen, noodles) and a small box of kimchi smile creep to the smaller as he decided cook his ramyun to a small pot and wait for it to cook,he sit in his dinning eating his own cook ramyun and a kichi to light up the taste of it (I swear don't eat ramyun always it's not good to your health especially when you have lack of blood😩)

Apparently Hyunsuk was now dancing at his living room didn't care about anything else but dance as if his life depends on dancing he was about to change the song when he heard the bell rang and decided to stop the music and went to the door

He sneak on the hole to see who was it but he doesn't see it cause the guy lowered his head,he open the door and welcome the guy in front of him

'hi mister,how may I help you oh do you need help?' Hyunsuk ask

'you know i-' the guy didn't finish when he lift up his head and saw Hyunsuk in front of him

'h-hyunsuk' the guy let out, Hyunsuk was going to closed the door but the guy was strong enough to make the door stay open and stare at Hyunsuk

'w-what are you doing here' the smaller ask

'how about you,what and when did you came back why you didn't tell me' the guy ask

'ahm you don't even care so why iam going I mean you don't care so don't ask just let go of the door now' Hyunsuk said forcing to close the door but the guy remain strong

'suk you know what I don't think you have a reason to get mad at me I didn't do anything' the guy once said


'what Hyunsuk let me explain everything to you,you need to listen' the guy said

'no I don't need your explanation I already know the reason and look you're disturbing me I will report you,let go' Hyunsuk said trying his best to close the door but not with this guy

'dont mess up with me Hyunsuk I'm just going to explain myself and if you're not mad at me well then listen to me' the guy said smiling at Hyunsuk

'im not mad at you I just i- just don't want to hear all your thoughts like you don't need to explain cause really I forgive you already' Hyunsuk said smiling awkwardly to the guy

:If you are then can I come so we can talk?' the guy let out

'no' Hyunsuk sarcastically said

'why I thought were okay now so mind if I come in' the guy said

'no I said no' Hyunsuk could finish but the guy was forcing him to get out of the door

As of now the guy was sitting on the couch memorizing all the parts in Hyunsuk's appartment

'i didn't know your appartment was just near from mine,maybe I can visit you everyday' the guy said giving his smile to the smaller but the smaller keep on looking away




Who do you is the guy??? (Still thinking why did I put him 'the guy')

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