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I'm always thinking moon is so special imagine having a beautiful lights,view and everything but now I realized human are more special than moon imagine having an everyday life with our love one's,but sometimes I just want to be a moon "alone and just shining" •kinda cringe right lol•


'hey,who are you sneaking at' he said 'hyunsukie' I speak out

'hmmm,are you looking for me?huh' Smurf said

'no why would i' I said 'because you're' he said smiling

'i said no,wait I thought you and Ryujin are going out,why are you here?' I ask him but he just let go of his grip in my shoulder and pout

'yah,don't tell me you broke with her...again?' I tease

'no,and I'm not the one who broke up with her before,hmm I thought you search about me why didn't you know she was the one who break up with me' he said crossing his arm and looking at me waiting for my answer

'ah haha,let's go,let's eat my treat' I offered

'no,it's okay me and Ryujin will eat in there house I just came here because I saw you sneaking earlier' he said now starting walking while speaking

'WHAT,YAH ARE YOU GOING TO LEAVE ME AGAIN...HERE AND FYI IAM NOT SNEAKING,YAH CHOI HYUNSUK' i say it loud but he just raised his hand and continue walking


Hyunsuk's POV

While hugging Ryujin I saw one figure sneaking at one tree near to a road,I let go Ryujin and ask her to go restaurant and wait me there she just nodded and walk by.

In my way to jihoon I saw him sneaking again and seems like he's looking for where at we and-

'hey,who are you sneaking at?' I said holding his back 'hyunsukie' he said nervously as I shooked my head

'are you looking for me,hmm' I teased 'no why would i' he said facing me 'because you're' I teased ones again

'i said no,and wait I thought you and Ryujin are going out,why are you here huh?' he ask,I let go of my grip in his shoulder since m not holding his shoulder 'dont tell me you broke up with her...again' he said

Trust me I was pissed off of what he said but I handle not to bursed off 'no,and I'm not the one who broke up with her before' I said he's looking at me at this time 'i thought you searched about me,why didn't you know Ryujin was the one who broke up with me huh?' I teased

'haha let's go,let's eat my treat' he offered nervously 'no it's okay me and Ryujin will eat in there house' I lied 'i just came here because I saw you sneaking earlier' I teased giving him a powerful smirk but I think he didn't saw me smirking because I'm now walking.

'Wait,what are you going to leave me again here,and FYI and not sneaking yah Choi Hyunsuk' he said shouting at me,I raised my hand as response


I'm now sitting besides Ryujin since her friend Yeji and my friend Mashiho sitting besides each other,hmm jeongwoo is not here since Haruto and Junkyu ask him to hangout and he argeed actually Mashiho was going with them but I ask Mashi if he can go with me instead and he can resist me so ge agreed too.

'hmm sukkie,what do you want' ask Ryujin 'anything' I said

'how 'bout you mashi,you know boy I miss you haha' she said smiling to mashi 'and Yeji just pick what you want,hmm' she said smiling ear to ear to Yeji too


We're now walking through the road going back to our campus when Mashi speak up and ask me.

'Hyung,can I ask you?' mashi said

'you're already asking me now haha,what it is?' I tease

'hmm,do you like jihoon hyung?' he now ask facing me while walking

'what kind of questions is that's I said nervously

'well hyung I see you,I know at first you hate him because he's being rude with you but,hyung I saw you two talking and seems like you already know each other' he said now looking at the road

'well I just know now that he is my childhood friend and I just realized that he is my first k-kiss' I said cracking up

'WHAT?,is that true wow hyung are you being serious' he ask confused as

'yeah and stop asking now,it's past and I don't want to go back there again,hmm we're here see you later,bye mashi' I said


No one's POV

One week past and still now Jihoon and Hyunsuk didn't get to talk to each other because of busy schedule and now school decided to live apart all the students in dorm(agh I hate dorm really ✋😭)now students are excited who was there new dorm mate

Jihoon, Haruto, junkyu,Yedam and Asahi decided to live in a dorm well who knows why right,Yoshi stayed to live and there house since he hate dorm even his friends are there he still hate dorm

Hyunsuk and all his friends decided to live in dorm too,well they live in the same city and it's kinda far to there school so they just decided and plan to live and a dormitory.



Y'all wait who's gonna be a roommate maybe later or tomorrow I'll update 🤧

I hate dormitory based on my experience how bout you?

I didn't read it again so sorry for the errors and wrong words well typo's fault not my fingers 🙂

|Today's date:03/24/21|

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