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How can you miss someone who doesn't exist now?

How can you love someone who doesn't exist now?


'excuse me is this Mr. Choi Hyunsuk of Choi's enterprises?' a girl voice ask me in the call

'yes IAM,how may I help you?' I respond in weak voice

'Oh hello Mr. Choi I'm Luna from Busan,I just want to ask you if you need a buyer, someone told me that your selling your house near at Namsan? Am I right?' she said

I nodded even tho she'll not know I'm agreeing ' yes your right' I said

'so when will we meet for the contract and requirements,don't get me wrong Mr. Choi but I really need a place' she sarcastically said

'no it's okay,are you in Seoul,if you are then go to my office or call my secretary to accompany you in my building I'm always here' i nonchalantly said still in a weak tone

'yes I kknow your secretary Mr. Yoshinori Kanemoto right?! And thank you' she said as I know she's smiling from the tone of her voice

'yeah thanks too' I said and then hang up the phone not waiting for her respond



'yes,how may I help you ma'am?' a employee said

'ah I'm finding Mr. Choi Hyunsuk office,what floor?'

'oh Mr. Choi I'm sorry but I need his permission first can you wait I'm just going to call him' she said with angelic smile

'yeah sure it's okay,just call me,I'll be there'

'yeah I'm sorry' she apologized

'no it's okay' I said as I left and sit on one chair near to the receipt


'ah excuse me Ms. Luna right?' the employee earlier ask me

'yes iam' I said

'Mr. Choi is on his office right now,I will accompany you to his office,can we come now' she said still wearing his angelic smile

'yeah, thank you'


'here' she said pointing the wide wooden door

'oh, thank you again'

'your welcome' she said and left


I came inside as I saw a man sitting on a chair with his head phone on and close eyes

I cleared my throat but I think he didn't heard me so I knock the door so loud thinking if he'll open his eyes but nothing happened

I went closer to him and call him but nothing happened again

What with this man,I thought as I went closer and closer to him to wave my hand on his face but got shocked knowing he hold it

'i heard you no need to do that' he said as he slowly open his eyes

I was shocked when I met his eyes,the eyes I didn't mean to understand is,it was a eyes filled with sad thoughts,or I think he was crying before I went here

'oh I'm sorry' I said awkwardly as he let go of his hand now I'm kinda far away from him

'you can sit' he said

'yeah sure thanks' I said too

'so,what now' he said as he didn't know why I'm here

'ahm about the house'

'yeah the house actually i not going to sell it now,but maybe in other time but for now no so you can leave sorry for disturbing your time yeah' he said putting his head phone on again

'what,but I came here for that house,can you please,agh I give my effort to go here,I even waited at the lobby for almost 10 minutes and now,you will say your not going to sell it,are you out of your mind' I sarcastically said

But he didn't mind, instead he roll his chair to face back me

'okayif that what you want then sure, seems like there's no house I can't buy here,Tak this is Seoul there's alot of building here,and I can buy it in cash' I said leaving him but nothing,he didn't care


I went inside my car mad,why is he like that,what's wrong with that man,does I give him a problem

That bastard,he waste my time traveling here then he'll just..aghhhh I hate him


'excuse me Mr. Choi,Ms. Luna already left what should I do' the employee ask me

'go call her,make sure you will use other number tell her your selling a house' I said

'but Mr. Choi what house' she ask

'our home' I said in low tone


'my old house' I said again facing her

'oh your old house,okay sir,I get it' she said typing it on employee's tablet

'okay,make sure she'll get it'

'yes sir'

She said and left



A bonus chapter for y'all,how I miss writing this

Btw I really want to interact with you but I cannot so if you want,you can just message me in my ig or twitter

My Twitter you can search this @ no I don't want to share my new acc

And my ig just search @ ninichoi_  yes please?

Thank you

But if you don't then it's okay with me,I just really want to talk with you:>

That's it,bye have a nice weekdays 💜

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