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It's been awhile since Jihoon and his friends interaction,he miss them so much like how he miss Hyunsuk since Hyunsuk went on business trip a week ago let's just say it's already 2 weeks since he left but until now he still didn't came home

Jihoon was bored he always staying at his office to attend meeting or sign all the contracts without even reading it

Even the worker was confused why Jihoon behavior change from being hype to being Quite and moody

But guess even tho Hyunsuk was busy his always leaving a messages every morning when he woke up,every lunch asking jihoon if he eaten then jihoon would answer 'yeah I already have a dinner' and night when he go to his hotel room after a long day of work,but he didn't feel anything,he isn't satisfied to this,because even tho Hyunsuk sending him a message he feel like they ignoring each other

Yes Hyunsuk leaving him a message but didn't wait for his response why because of the different time,yes Hyunsuk calling him but he was already asleep


It was 10 in the night but Jihoon didn't get a message from the older,he was waiting but he didn't get any

Agh Choi Hyunsuk I'm going to sleep now,I don't want to wait for you anymore,I'm tired of waiting

He said staring at their last conversation

Hyunsuk 💜💜💜

-hey have you eaten???


Not yet

Hyunsuk 💜💜💜

-go eat now
-okay I'll call you later or maybe tommorow,I'll send you a message bye,take care


Take care too,don't rush yourself,I love you

He seen my message but still didn't reply,I'm tired Choi Hyunsuk I swear

He said once again putting his phone on the side table and wrapped his body on the blanket



I came to my hotel room to pack my things,I really need to go home right now I'm sure Jihoon is done with me now,I can imagine his loud voice coming to our room

I started packing my things when I remember jihoon's reply to my last message

I open my phone to see his last reply

My panda🐼💜

-take care too,don't rush yourself,I love you

I love you too

I whisper after I closed my phone and continue packing


I landed safely at the airport and greet all the stuff who waited for me inside,it's already 3 am in Korea when I arrive yet its still 5 in the noon there

I entered to the car when a man was lying into the passenger seat feeling the comfy of the car

Yah bangjeon ahhh why are you here you're supposed to be in your house with Sheela right now,why are you here

I said

Aishhh don't call me bangjeon,I came here with the worker because I want to take you home,jihoon called me how many times just to ask when you go home

He said


I ask confused

Just go home,I take you there,let's go uncle

He effortlessly said

Ughhh nevermind

Wait did you just moan


uGHhh~ nEVerMinD~

He teased

Shut up

I said and he Chuckles


I'am here in our house,well we brought a house for us long time ago but nevermind,now I'm standing at our door shared room staring at angel who's sleeping tightly with plushie besides him

Such an angel

I thought


I changed into comportable shirt and a lose track after I wash and laid besides him

I was staring at him when suddenly his eyes open tiredly earning a smile on his face

Is this a dream?

He said,I just hummed and he hugged me changing my position letting his head laid to my arm as I cares his hair

Can we stay like this? I want to hug you,I missed much


I said hugging him tightly


Hskshsjshs k bye.


MOON🐷🐼🌕 // Sukhoon [✓]Where stories live. Discover now