Merry Christmas

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A/N: I tried my best at writing this but I did how ever had a lot of trouble writing this at the same time. So I am sorry if I screwed this chapter up by making some of the characters stories short. So I am sorry. Anyways Happy belated Holidays and hope you all have a wonderful day.
It was the holiday season once again. Music was playing through out the entire house. The fireplace roared in the living as you sat on the couch with your pregnant belly. Harry was making you some herbal tea. Once your tea was made Harry brought you your tea and then sat down rubbing your belly. He smiled when he felt one of the twins kick. You laughed as you loved your husband's excitement every time your kids kick you from the inside. It was a good holiday for you two as expecting parents.
You were sitting in your living room reading, as you were waiting for Draco to come home. He was out last minute shopping for the baby nursery for you since you asked him. Currently you were setting up the changing table for when your little one is born. As you continued to decorate, you didn't notice that Draco was back. When you did notice your husband was home was when he hugged you from behind and kisses your cheek. Smiling you turn in his arms and kiss his perfect lips.

"Merry Christmas my Prince" you said in bliss.

"Merry Christmas my Princess" he replied back before kissing your lips one more time.
Ron looked at you as you waddled around the house with your pregnant belly making sure that everything is clean and perfect for his parents coming over. He couldn't believe you were worried about what his parents would think of the mess instead of the baby growing in stomach.

"Cupcake you should let me worry about this. You should be sitting down relaxing not stressing yourself out. If you keep stressing yourself out, you could hurt you and the baby." Ron spoke with concern laced in his voice.

"I understand that but I'm fine. Besides woman have been having babies while working and doing chores for centuries. A little stress isn't going to kill me or our child. So don't worry about it. Plus now looking at the house, it looks clean and very Christmas." You replied with a tiny bit of laughter.

Ron nodded and sighed in relief as he knew you were officially done with cleaning. He then looks at you before leaning down and kissing you on the lips. Which was the perfect Christmas for you both.
Currently you were at home while your husband works away at the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. You found it annoying that he is literally working on Christmas Eve. Time past as you decide to go to bed. You throw on your (f/c) pyjamas just as the front door opened and closed. Soon footsteps were heard as they came towards the bedroom. As soon as you had the chance to turn around you see your husband looking at you confused.

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