Birth Pt 2

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You were cooking dinner when you felt a twinge in your lower abdomen. At first you thought it was too early for you to be in labour but then you think about whether or not it isn't too early. You decide just to ignore it and finish making dinner.

****Time-Skip: Brought to you by Buck and Eddie****

An hour passed and you still were feeling pain in your lower abdomen. You didn't know what to do at this point; you were just hoping it was just Braxton Hicks. Soon you hear the door open meaning your husband was home. You had just finished making dinner and had set it up at the table. Cedric walked into the room and smiled as he kissed your cheek. He strolls towards you and pulls out your chair for you. You began to sit down when you felt your water break. Your eyes go wide like saucers as you realize that you were going into labour.

"Dear, my water just broke. Could you please write to the midwife while I'll go lay down in our room. Thank you." You say trying not to wince at a another contraction.

Slowly you get up from your chair and stroll towards your shared bedroom. Cedric looked at you in shock before doing what you asked. Gently you lay down on the bed wincing in pain.

***Time-Skip: Brought to you by my craziness***

After nine hours of labour, you gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. As the midwife finishes cleaning him off, you look to Cedric, who was wiping the sweat off your forehead.

"Thank you for everything Dear." You spoke after a few seconds.

Cedric smiled and kissed your forehead just as the midwife saunters over with your guys now clean baby boy. She hands him to you and you noticed that he has his father's eyes.

"Do you guys have a name for him in mind?" The midwife asks while Cedric nods.

"His name will be Grayson Diggory" Cedric said.

"That is a lovely name. It's fitting for him. I will be leaving now but if there is anything else you need, please don't be afraid to owl me. Have a wonderful night. And Congratulations on the baby boy." The midwife spoke before leaving.

Cedric and you smiled as you look at your guys bundle of joy that you too created. You both were happy as now your family is complete.
It was like any other day, you were in the infirmary helping Madam Pomfrey with the sick children that come into the infirmary. Truth be told, you had no choice but to be in the infirmary yourself, since you are due any day now. As you were helping one of the students, you started to feel pain in your lower abdomen. Thinking it was just Braxton Hicks and nothing more than that, so you continued what you were doing.

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